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Bastian's Storm (Surviving Raine 2)

Page 53

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“I’ve got you,” I said again, and she nodded.

I kissed her softly before we parted, and I went downstairs to meet John Paul at the entrance to our building. We headed up to the gym and started working out.

“Funny how old patterns fall back into place,” John Paul remarked as he watched me do leg presses on the machine. “It’s just like old times, isn’t it?”

“You knew about this the other day, didn’t you?” I accused.

“Maybe,” John Paul said as he winked at me. “Couldn’t say anything, but glad you took my advice anyway.”

“I thought it was an order,” I muttered. I pushed out another set of leg presses and then switched to dumbbells.

I kept it up until sweat was pouring off of me, and every muscle in my body ached. I was glad I had been spending some time at the gym lately because John Paul was ruthless on the weight training. I could keep up, but only barely.

I wasn’t about to let him know that, though.

So I pushed myself as much as humanly possible. It was territory I knew—push beyond your limits and never stop, never let go. I ached, I sweated, and I burned through sets like a maniac just to show John Paul that I could.

He knew exactly what I was doing.

“Is that all you got?” John Paul snorted. “You’re a wuss.”

“Fuck you,” I said as I slammed the weights down to the floor. “I don’t see you pushing out this many reps.”

“Not my training, bro.”

I extended my middle finger toward him as I completed another set of curls. At least I hadn’t lost much strength in my biceps, but I’d neglected leg workouts, and even I had to admit my gut was a little flabby from lack of ab work. I never should have let myself go so much. Now that Raine had to count on my strength, I wasn’t at my best.

I had to rectify that.

I also had to make sure she was safe even when I wasn’t around.

“I need Raine protected,” I said to John Paul as I shifted my weight on the bench and switched arms. “I want someone I trust around her all the time when I’m not.”

“Not sure who that would be,” John Paul said. “Is there anyone you trust?”

“You,” I said simply.

“You want me looking after your chick?”

“Who else?”

John Paul scratched his arm, looked up at the ceiling, and considered for a moment.

“Can I fuck her?”

I stood up, dropped the dumbbell to the floor, and punched him in the face.

He stumbled backward from the blow but righted himself quickly as he laughed and rubbed at his chin.

“I guess that’s a no.”

“Fucking right it’s a no,” I said as I glared at him. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”

“Duly noted.” He laughed again.

We finished our session, and John Paul came with me back to the condo. Raine had her school books spread out on the couch and coffee table, but I could tell she wasn’t getting any actual work done. I sat down beside her and tossed my arm over her shoulder, pulling her close, as John Paul helped himself to a bottle of water.

“Ugh!” Raine groaned as she placed her hands on my chest and pushed me away. “You stink.”

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