Fallen Angel (Angel's Halo MC 6) - Page 42

“I might,” I croaked out.

Multiples? More than one baby. Shit. Shit. Oh, fucking shit.

If the idea of one baby was scaring the living hell out of me, two was going to send me into an early grave.

“Um, so, are we talking twins?” Willa asked the doctor after watching me for a few more moments.

“At the least, yes.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I roared.

Doc, used to my temper after years of dealing with the MC, didn’t even flinch. “It means we’re going to do an ultrasound so we can determine just how many babies Willa is carrying,” he informed me calmly.

“Okay, when can we do that?” Willa asked, her voice shaking with both excitement and apprehension.

“Let me get a wheelchair, and I’ll take you downstairs and do it myself,” he offered.

“Thanks, Doc.” Her smile was shaky, and as soon as he was out of the room, it fell.

Unable to have so much space between the two of us, I fell to my knees beside her bed and buried my face in her lap. Her fingers stroked over my bare head.

“How can I even be pregnant?” she grumbled to herself. “I’ve been on the pill for years now, and we haven’t had any issues.”

“What about when you had that bad ear infection a few months back?” I reminded her as I turned my head so that I could see her beautiful face. “You went through three different antibiotics before it got cleared up. Raven told you to be careful.”

Amusement darkened her eyes. “Yeah? Well, then I blame you.”

Seeing that look in her eyes had a bit of my tension easing. “So, this is my fault, is it?”

Her lips twisted into a sexy little smirk. “Yup. All your fault. You put these babies in me, and now look where we’re at.”

Lifting my head, I stroked my palm over her stomach. “This is scary shit, baby.”

One of her hands covered my own. “I know. But we’ve got this.”

“Do we?” I didn’t feel nearly as sure as she sounded.

“Why do you doubt it?”

I lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. “I will probably fuck this kid up.”

“Um, I’m guessing it’s going to be more than one kid, babe. But you’re not going to fuck up anything. You’re amazing with Lexa, and Max adores you.” She leaned forward and touched her lips to mine. “You’re going to kick ass as a daddy, James. Actually, I’d been thinking of babies lately. I wanted to wait until all the crap with those damn Italians was over before bringing it up, though.”

“Don’t worry about those motherfuckers, Willa. I’ll gut them all before I let anything happen to you and the kids.”

She kissed me again, then gave me a sly smile that had my cock jerking painfully against the zipper of my jeans. “I didn’t doubt it for a single second, babe.”

Doc came back a few minutes later with the wheelchair, and I followed them downstairs. The room he took us to was dark, with only a monitor on a large machine to see by. I helped Willa get onto the little exam table and get comfortable while Doc typed in all her information. A few minutes later, he pulled out a wand and put what looked like a condom over it.

“What the fuck do you think you’re gonna do with that, motherfucker?”

Willa giggled even as Doc tried to explain what he was going to do. Everything inside of me told me to knock his ass out and take Willa home. Whatever the fuck he was about to do could wait for when a female tech could perform this exam on my wife. I stood stone-still beside Willa’s head as Doc put the condom-covered wand inside of Willa and shifted it around.

She made a few noises of discomfort and reached for my hand. I took it and lifted it to my lips. “You’re okay,” I murmured, but I wasn’t sure I believed my own words.

“Ah,” Doc commented after a minute or two of making Willa squirm. “Here we go.”

Willa’s eyes went straight to the screen, but I only watched her face for a minute. She looked on in awe as Doc pointed at something, and I wondered if she had ever looked more beautiful.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angel's Halo MC Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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