Avenged (Angel's Halo MC 7) - Page 28

I groaned as she rocked against me, and I would have agreed to anything then and there. “Deal,” I choked out.

“Second…” She hesitated for a moment then lifted her head and met my gaze. With the glow of the television behind her, I could just see a hint of the brightness of her beautiful blue eyes as they searched my gaze. “I want us to start trying for a baby.”

Her words were like a physical jolt to my system. We hadn’t talked about getting pregnant once, but I would have been lying if I said I hadn’t wanted to bring up the subject. The thought of upsetting her was the only thing that kept stopping me. After Westcliff made her miscarry, the doctors told her she might not ever be able to get pregnant again. That was still a possibility, and I didn’t want to push her to start trying if she wasn’t ready to face the reality of not actually getting what she wanted.

But with her now opening the door on the subject, I couldn’t give her the answer I wanted to without knowing if she was prepared for that outcome. “Felicity, will you be okay if we try and you don’t ever get pregnant?”

Her eyes filled with a sadness that tore at my soul, but I couldn’t call the words back. We needed to face this probability now and not years down the road when we had to admit defeat. Fuck, I hoped we didn’t ever have to do that, but we had to be realistic.

“Y-yes,” she whispered, a small catch in her voice. “I…I know that just saying ‘Let’s make a baby’ won’t guarantee we will actually have one. But…” She swallowed hard and gave me a brave smile, and my pride and love for her only swelled. “We can’t know unless we try, right?”

I cupped the back of her head and pulled her down to kiss her lips, long and tenderly. I ignored the throbbing in my balls as I prolonged the kiss, pouring all my love for her into every caress of my lips across hers. It was several minutes before I released her and pressed our foreheads together. “Then let’s try, love. I want to give you everything you have ever wanted, and my baby in your belly would complete my world.”

Chapter 15


After Bash and Jet got back, I stayed up all night.



Around six, the boys on the wall changed out, putting fresh eyes up top, vigilant for anything even remotely suspicious. I felt restless, every nerve alive with a tension that strained every muscle. I didn’t need Jet to tell me Kelli was going to be a target. Father or not, Calvin Samson was going to come after her now that she had proven exactly whose side she was really on in this war.

From here on out, we were going to have to be even more careful. Every step Kelli made would be watched, and with half my MC brothers still on the fence about her loyalty, I wasn’t expecting to find ready help watching her back from inside the club.

As the sun came up, I was still standing there, watching and waiting for something. I knew in my bones the senator would act swiftly and without a single drop of remorse. If he could treat his own daughter like dirt up to this point, there was nothing stopping him from going a step further.

Around seven, I could hear the clubhouse coming alive, and the scents of freshly brewed coffee and breakfast meats frying filled the chilled air. Quinn came out with a few thermoses of coffee for the guys on the wall. As small as she was, and with her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, she looked like she was barely sixteen. With that little baby bump pouched out against her leggings and T-shirt, she looked adorable.

When she saw me standing there leaning against my bike where I’d been all night, her eyes widened, but she gave me a warm smile. “Hungry?” she asked as she came over to offer me one of the mugs full of strong, black brew.

My stomach growled, answering my question for her, but I still nodded eagerly. “Starving.”

“I’ll bring you a plate,” she offered, and I wasn’t about to turn it down. “And some more coffee. You look as if you could swallow two pots and still be dog-tired. Did you sleep at all last night?”

I shrugged, not worried about my lack of sleep. There were times when I’d stayed up for days at a time on runs. I was used to going without. With Kelli now in danger, I doubted I would be getting much sleep anytime soon. “Thanks for the coffee, Quinnie.”

She sighed deeply and headed back toward the clubhouse. “I’ll be right back,” she grumbled with a shake of her blond head. “Damned men.”

I hid my grin behind my mug as I took another deep swallow.

The grin faded when I saw the front door open and Kelli walking toward her car with a black trash bag tossed over her shoulder. She didn’t even bother to look around as she headed for the car, her head down, keys already out.


I followed after her, my long strides eating up the distance. I reached her car just as she was opening the trunk, and I noticed there were two huge suitcases, their zippers struggling against the stuffed contents, already inside. Before she could drop the trash bag on top, I slammed the trunk closed and leaned back against it as I turned to face her outraged expression.

“No,” I told her, plain and simple.

“Fuck you,” she growled. “I have to go check on my mom. I just got a text from her night nurse that they’re trying to transfer her from her private room to one of the shared ones with one of the more violent patients. Looks like dear old Dad is already trying to fuck with me.”

Hell, I hadn’t even thought about her mom. I should have, because she was what Samson held over Kelli’s head to being with. Of course, he would strike at her biggest weakness.

I tossed the rest of the contents from my mug and set it on top of the vehicle closest to us. Grabbing her keys, I walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car, I waited for her to get in, but she just stood where I’d left her, a look of confusion on her beautiful face.

Blowing out a long breath, I left the car running and walked back to meet her. She just stared up at me, as if she couldn’t understand what I was doing. Cupping the side of her face, I lowered my head and touched my lips to her brow. “Let’s go,” I murmured softly against her skin, then took her hand and guided her around to the passenger’s side. I opened the door and urged her in, then went back around to the driver’s seat.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angel's Halo MC Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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