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Avenged (Angel's Halo MC 7)

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For the last two weeks, Aggie’s staff that wasn’t connected to the MC had been running the place, with Aggie herself only coming in an hour or so each day. It had been all Uncle Jack would allow her because he’d been so worried about her safety. Now that he was gone, Aggie was determined to get back to work as much as possible.

Sadness hit me like a ten-ton wrecking ball all over again, and I wrapped my arms around my middle as Little John drove us to work. The realization that Uncle Jack wouldn’t come into the diner and make Aggie blush with just a wink ever again brought tears to my eyes, but I quickly blinked them back.

The place was crowded by the time we got there. The waitresses were worn out, trying to get everyone taken care of. As soon as they saw Aggie and me, they groaned with relief. I grabbed my apron from the back and jumped in headfirst, getting everyone drinks and passing out food that was already waiting.

For the next few hours, I was run off my feet, but I had a genuine smile on my face the whole time. The time seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, the dinner rush was over. There were only two more hours before the diner closed for the day, and the place needed a good scrubbing after the last two weeks of who knew what kind of shape the others had left the place in each night. With Aggie absent, I knew things that should be getting done weren’t.

I started scrubbing the tables with disinfectant, filling up salt and pepper shakers along the way. The stickiness I cleaned off some of the tables pissed me off. If the health department had come in and done an inspection, there was no way the diner would have passed. To the majority of the staff, this place was just a job. For me, however, Aggie’s diner had always been a second home. I loved this job—being around the different people, getting to find out what was going on in others’ lives and forget about my own problems for a few hours. It was hard work, the pay was lousy at times, but there wasn’t another job I’d want to have.

Not even stripping. The money had been astounding when I was dancing, but I hated exposing myself for everyone to see. I felt sexy while I was onstage, but that feeling had gotten old fast with all those creeps watching me undress for them.

The bell over the front entrance jingled, and I lifted my head, a smile in place for the new customer.

Raider had fire in his eyes as he stomped toward me. I swallowed nervously but put a flirty smile on my face and lowered my lashes as he drew near.

“Hi,” I murmured softly as I stepped forward to kiss his cheek.

“Let’s go,” he bit out, taking my hand and tugging me toward the door.

I dug in my heels, not ready to leave. “I’m not finished yet.”

He stopped and jerked around to face me, the flames in his green eyes never dying down even for a second. “You shouldn’t even be here. I told you to stay back at the clubhouse where it’s safe. Instead, I come back from a long-ass day, tired as fuck, to find out you’ve been out all day.”

I could feel the heat of my own anger as it began to boil. “You told me?” I repeated, stepping back from him. “I’m not one of the damn sheep you can order around any which way you want, asshole. I come and go as I please.”

“Have you forgotten about what happened at your house?” he raged. “You want to chance that happening here?”

“Like the clubhouse is any safer? Someone planted a bomb in a vehicle within those walls. I’m just as likely to get hurt back there as I am here.”

“Did something happen?” he demanded, those green orbs narrowing. “Did Whitney do something to upset or hurt you?”

“Hell no! But if I’d stayed there for another minute, I would have ended up causing her or one of my other sisters bodily harm. I was getting cabin fever. People are meant to be around other people—”

“There are plenty of other people at the clubhouse!” he interrupted, grabbing my hand again. “Now, get your shit, and let’s go.”

I jerked out of his hold. “I’ll leave when I’m ready. You don’t like it, park your ass and order something to eat until I’m done. Or go home. I don’t really care at this point. Just shut up and stay out of my way until I’m finished.”

His nostrils flared, but to my surprise, he took a seat at the counter. Muttering under his breath, he crossed his arms over his wide chest and glared at the waitress who was working the counter. “Coffee and keep it coming.”

My teeth sank into the inside of my bottom lip as I stood there, breathing hard from the continued anger coursing through me, but fighting back a grin. I was still pissed, but after watching him for a moment, my heart melted. Quickly, I returned to what I was doing. I wouldn’t say I was the happiest I’d ever been in that moment, not with all the chaos and loss we’d all experienced recently, but I was content.

As I worked, I could feel Raider’s gaze on me, and every time I looked up, his eyes were glued to me. Nine out of ten times, it was my ass he was looking at, and the flare of desire in his green gaze was unmistakable. Each time our eyes locked, he licked his lips, and I could practically see all the dirty things he was planning on doing to me when we were alone. My insides quivered at the possibilities, and I found myself rushing through the rest of the chores that still needed doing.

As soon as the last table was clean to health-code regulations and the dining room was spotless, Raider was on his feet. “We’re going, Ag,” he called.

“See you later,” she returned distractedly from the kitchen. “Get home safe.”

He marched determinedly toward me, and I found myself almost shaking in anticipation. “A-At least let me wash my hands,” I breathed.

His eyes were on fire as he raked them over my small frame from top to bottom. “By all means, babe. Go wash your hands.”

That silky tone, the one he used when he was deep inside me, had my legs going all wobbly, and I had to force myself to move around him and walk into the women’s bathroom at the back of the diner. My heart was beating my chest to death as I turned on the water and filled my hands with liquid soap. I scrubbed my nails and rinsed, but as I turned off the water, the door opened behind me.

Raider shut the door and flipped the lock, and every inch of me was already anticipating his touch. Our gazes met and locked in the mirror above the sink, and all I could think about was how much I wanted him inside me.

Strong hands caught my hips and jerked me around. I had two seconds to drink my fill of the hunger on his face before his lips crashed down on mine and I was lost. This was crazy. I was addicted to his taste; his every touch blistered my skin, leaving behind a trail of pure, scorching bliss.

But I wasn’t the only one weakened by this thing between us. I felt him tremble as his fingers skimmed over my stomach and undid the button of my jeans. Then I found myself naked from the waist down, and he was lifting me onto the edge of the sink seconds before his cock was sinking deep into my begging pussy.

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