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Forever Angel (Angel's Halo MC 8)

Page 22

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“Do you have a picture?” I asked, my hands oddly sweaty.

Her lashes lifted, revealing surprised eyes, but she pulled her phone from her jeans pocket and swiped her thumb over the screen a few times before offering it to me. “I took these last night while the boys were eating,” she said as my eyes landed on a picture of two little boys sitting in identical high chairs feeding each other spaghetti.

I swiped through her collection of pictures, all of which were of my son. I traced his image with my thumb. There was no denying this kid was mine. He looked just like me, with the exception of those curls. That was all I could see of his mother in him until I found a picture of him smiling. The way his lips lifted reminded me of Jos.

The next picture was a selfie of mother and son, and my heart turned over. “Will you print this picture off for me?” I asked her, unable to tear my gaze from the picture of Reid’s face squished to his mother’s cheek, giving her a sloppy kiss. The look on her face was full of love, reminding me of our very first night together and the way she’d looked up at me after I’d taken her virginity.

“Um, yeah, sure. If you really want me to.”

I nodded and finally looked up from the screen. “I would really appreciate it, Jos.”

Her frown deepened. “Are you feeling okay?”

Handing her back the phone, I didn’t answer. “They’re doing my surgery today?”

Sliding the phone into her pocket, she nodded. “I spoke to Doc last night. They can still do the surgery this morning, but he wasn’t sure what time. Actually, the ortho surgeon here is better than the one in Eureka. He’s more experienced and better qualified. Maybe you won’t need a second surgery.”

“Yeah, that’s good.” I closed my eyes, feeling the effects of the long ride from Eureka to Creswell Springs the night before. I was so damn tired, but at least my pain was completely manageable with the pain meds now.

“Aggie was talking about making all your favorite foods last night. So as soon as you feel up to eating, just let me know, and I’ll tell her to get started on it.”

Thinking of all the food I would have killed to eat right then, my stomach grumbled. “Tomorrow,” I told her, rubbing my four-fingered hand over my abdomen. “They told me last night I couldn’t have anything to eat or drink until after my surgery.”

“Okay, tomorrow. Anything you want, I’ll get them to make it.”

“I can’t have what I really want,” I muttered, looking straight at her. Her cheeks filled with pink, and I began to relax. “Come here.” Holding out my hand to her, I held my breath, waiting to see if she would take it.

For the span of two heartbeats, she hesitated, before taking my hand and letting me tug her into bed beside me. Everything inside of me suddenly felt at peace, and I carefully shifted onto my side, not paying any attention to the pain in my back at the movement. Her arm went around my waist, her forehead pressing into my chest. I cupped her ass, squeezing it gently.

“Don’t run away from me again,” I pleaded, my voice low and rough.

She blew out a heavy exhale but nodded. “Okay.”

“I won’t flirt with anyone but you from here on out. I’m sorry if it hurt you.”


I kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I was a dick to you two years ago. I didn’t mean anything I said that morning.”

“Then why did you say it?” she whispered.

“Because I was an idiot.”

A soft snort left her. “True.”

I smacked her on the ass, making her squeal, then giggle. The sound filled my soul, and I grinned down at her when she tipped her head back to look up at me. “I kind of have a thing for you, Jos.”

Her eyes darkened. “I’ve kind of always had a thing for you, Tanner.”

I lowered my head, kissing the corner of her mouth. “Will you give us a chance to see what this thing is?” I already knew what this thing was. I loved this woman with every cell in my body. But I needed time to show her that.

“Are you sure you want to?” she asked hesitantly.

“Never been surer of anything in my life, baby.” I skimmed my nose against hers, my breath teasing across her lips. “I’ve missed you so fucking much the last two years. Nearly dying showed me that I want to at least have the chance to build a future with you.”

Her lashes lowered, and she inhaled slowly before blowing her breath out in a huff. When her eyes met mine again, she smiled. “Okay. We can try to see what this ‘thing’ between us is and where it could go.” She leaned in, her fingers cupping my chin. “But I swear on all that is holy, Tanner Reid, if you break my heart, I’ll gut you.”

Heart full, I grinned down at her before kissing her.

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