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Forever Angel (Angel's Halo MC 8)

Page 43

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I owed Hawk my life.

“Easy there.” Jet’s voice was soft as he caught me around the waist when I began to sway. “Just take deep breaths. You’re okay.”

I turned my head, pressing my face into his coat as the tears spilled out of me. I’d almost died. I was nearly taken away from my son. Hawk could have died without ever having seen his own child being born.

“You sure she doesn’t need medical attention?” the deputy asked, sincerely concerned for me.

“She’s just in shock,” I heard Hawk excuse. “It was a close call.”

“Well, I have statements from all the witnesses and the two of you,” the young man said, closing his notebook. “We’ll get a wrecker out here to haul the car into the station, see if we can get any paint off the bumper to analyze. We will also be looking around for any signs of trucks with damage. Might be able to find the person who did this if we’re lucky.”

I wasn’t going to hold my breath.

With the release of my tears, it was as if I also unleashed my anger. I turned, ready to start cussing out the deputy, tell him exactly who I thought—who I fucking knew—did this. Jet must have sensed my rage, because he pulled my head back to his chest, locking me into place while he quickly made an excuse to get me home.

I was put in the back of Raven’s SUV. Jet climbed in behind me, putting my seat belt on me like I was a child. Moments later, Bash and Hawk joined us, Hawk carrying all the files I’d forgotten in the back seat of my car.

“Wait,” I said when Bash started the vehicle. “Reid’s car seat.”

“It’s not usable now, Jos,” he explained. “Anytime you’re in an accident, you have to replace the car seat. Don’t worry. We have a few extra ones at the clubhouse.”

My phone went off, but it took me a few seconds to realize it before I picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey, baby. You coming tonight?” Tanner’s voice was full of mischief, and I suddenly had to fight a new wave of tears. “I was good all day.”

“H-Hey,” I murmured, leaning my head against the window and closing my eyes. “I… I, um, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it in tonight.”

“What’s wrong?” he demanded, sounding alert.

“There…” I swallowed hard, scrubbing a hand over my damp cheeks. “There was kind of an accident a little while ago—”

“Are you okay?” he asked before I could finish. “Is Reid?”

“We’re both fine.” I gave him a quick replay of what happened on the way back to the clubhouse after work. By the time I was done, I could feel his tension crackling through the phone.

“Don’t leave the clubhouse,” he growled and hung up.

I sat there a little hurt he hadn’t said more, but before I could think about it further, Bash was pulling through the compound gate. Hawk got out, opening my door and helping me to the ground. My legs felt shaky, my stomach tossing. I clenched my hands into fists because they were still shaking and walked into the clubhouse.

Raven and Flick were there as soon as I stepped through the door. “Come on,” Raven ordered, guiding me toward the bedrooms. “Let’s get you sorted.”

I didn’t question her, just followed her while Flick followed behind. We went to Tanner’s room, and Flick helped me take a shower. When I came out, drying my hair with a towel, it was to find Raven sitting on the bed with three red plastic cups and a bottle of Jameson.

“Where’s Reid?” I asked, my voice still devoid of strength. “I should get him ready for bed. It’s already past—”

“Stop worrying about Reid. He’s already asleep in my room with Max,” Raven assured me. “Just relax. How are you feeling? Do you have whiplash?”

“My muscles ache because they are so tense, but otherwise, I’m fine.” I took a sip from the cup and welcomed the burn from the whiskey, but it did nothing to alleviate the chill that seemed to be freezing my blood. Alcohol probably wasn’t the best idea when my stomach was tossing, but I welcomed the numbness it would hopefully bring.

There was a tap on the door, and Raven walked over to open it. Kelli stepped in, and Raven shut the door behind her before crossing to the bed. “Sit down so I can tell my brother you were resting.”

“I’ve been sitting all day,” the beautiful brunette grumbled, but she sat at the end of the bed. “I’m tired of sitting.” Her eyes fell on me. “How you feeling, Jos?”

I could only shrug as I lifted the cup to my lips again and took another sip.

Flick sat down beside me, sandwiching me between her and Raven. “Looks like Bates is getting nervous,” she murmured so quietly I had to strain to hear her.

Raven nodded. “We need to deal with him sooner rather than later. I get Bash doesn’t want to draw attention to the club, but Bates has too much to lose if he thinks Tanner might narc on him.”

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