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Needing Nevaeh (Rockers' Legacy Book 2)

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“I guess your mom hasn’t told you, then,” I said, sniffling.

“Tell me what?” she said loudly, then groaned. “Hold on a second. I have to puke again… Oh gods.”

I grimaced at the sound of her retching and then dry heaving, but I stayed on the phone because I desperately needed to talk to her.

It was several minutes later before she came back on the line. “Okay, I think I’m good for the moment. Fuck, they should call this crap all-day sickness.”

“So, you really are pregnant?” I whispered just to make sure no one heard by accident.

“Apparently,” she said with a sigh. “I took a test two days ago. Remember when I had strep about two months ago? Well, those damn antibiotics canceled out my birth control.”

“Have you told your parents yet?”

“Daddy just got home, and Momma is on her way. I want to tell them together. Jagger is already making jokes, though, a

nd I’m about to murder the little asshole if he doesn’t shut the hell up.” Another sigh. “I’m also telling them Barrick and I are moving up the wedding.”

“What?” I sat up a little straighter. “But you guys took forever setting the date. I thought he wanted you to graduate before you got married.”

“Yeah, well, he shouldn’t have knocked me up. I know my parents weren’t married when they had me. I was the damn flower girl, for fuck’s sake. But I want to share Barrick’s last name before this little one makes an appearance. Which I think is in July if my math is right. Hell, I’m not a hundred percent sure.”

“When do you plan on getting married, then?” I asked skeptically. “Because you know Aunt Emmie has already been planning a huge wedding for you guys.”

“Well, that’s the thing. I never wanted a big wedding. I was thinking of having something simple here at the house before the spring term starts. That will give me time to find a dress and let everyone know where and when, have the wedding, and go on a short honeymoon before classes begin.” She sounded so excited for it, I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her mother was going to freak when Mia laid out her plans for the wedding she wanted.

“Good luck with that,” was all I said.

“Now, what should I have been told? You sounded upset when you first called.”

I closed my eyes. For just a moment, I’d been able to turn off the devastation that was making my entire being quake with fear and dread and heartbreak. But now, I couldn’t avoid any of those emotions as a fresh wave of tears stung my eyes. “Mia, Daddy is sick.”

“What do you mean, sick?” she demanded. “Like, he has a cold?”

“No,” I whispered.

“Okay, you need to explain to me what kind of sick Uncle Drake is right now because I’m starting to freak out.”

Sucking in a deep breath that did nothing to calm my emotions, I dove into the deep end and told her everything I currently knew. By the time I was done, I could hear her crying softly.

“Oh my gods. Nevaeh, I’m so sorry. This is… I can’t wrap my head around it, so I can only imagine what you are feeling right now.” She sniffled and cleared her throat. “Is there anything I can do? I mean… I don’t really know what I mean. No one has ever really been ill in our family, not like this, and I don’t understand what needs to be done at a time like this.”

“Mostly, I just want to talk to Braxton,” I told her. “But he didn’t answer when I called him.”

“Yeah, Barrick didn’t answer either when I called him right before I started puking my guts out once again.” She muttered a curse under her breath. “I bet Braxton’s parents are making them both feel like they’re about six years old right now. They’re good about pulling the guilt trip. They still blame Barrick for Braxton losing his leg.”

“Do you think he will be okay?” I asked, worried about him.

“Honey, you just found out your dad needs a new liver, and you’re worried about Braxton dealing with his loser parents?” She laughed ever so softly. “Sounds like you’ve got it bad, babe.”

“I do,” I confessed. “I love him. I think…I think I always have. How stupid is that?”

“You’re asking me?” Mia snorted. “It was kind of love at first sight for me with Barrick, so I would never say that what you feel for him is anywhere close to stupid. Intense, sure. But never stupid.”

From downstairs, I heard at least one of my siblings yelling and realized they’d made it home from their friends’ houses. I had a feeling at least one of them knew what was going on with Daddy, and I was going to tear her hair out of her pretty little head for keeping me in the dark.

“I have to go kill Arella,” I told Mia. “If you hear from Barrick or Braxton, could you pass on the message that I need to talk to Braxton?”

“Will do. I’m going to go paint the toilet a lovely shade of puke once more before Momma gets home. Wish me luck that no one puts a hit out on my fiancé when they hear my news.”

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