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Holding Mia (Rockers' Legacy Book 1)

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by, don’t cry,” he pleaded, kissing my face over and over again. “I’m sorry. So damn sorry. Please stop. You’re killing me.”

Wrapping my arms around his back, I clung to him, knowing once I let go, it would be the end.


When I opened my eyes, it was dark outside the window. My eyes felt gritty and swollen, my head still throbbing, only worse this time. Barrick’s heavy arm pinned me to the bed, but he was sleeping so heavily he was snoring, so I knew it would take a bomb going off to wake him.

Rolling away from him, I slid out from under his arm and sat up on the edge of the bed.

I didn’t even remember falling asleep. He’d held me while I’d cried it all out. Gallons of tears had flooded from my eyes, yet they were still close to the surface, and that only pissed me off.

I was stronger than this. I was Emmie Armstrong’s daughter. I could and would get over the heartache trying to engulf me. Something as small as a guy tricking me into loving him wouldn’t break me completely.

Even though it felt like it already was.

Squaring my shoulders, I stood, being cautious in case my knee protested and I fell. It held strong, thankfully, and I grabbed something to wear. I didn’t have a change of clothes with me since I’d left my carry-on back in New York, which also meant I didn’t have any panties to put on since Barrick had shredded mine earlier.

Pulling on my jeans, I grabbed my bra and T-shirt, dressing quickly.

Barrick was still snoring when I opened the door and quietly closed it behind me.

The air felt charged when I walked into the living room, and it was oddly quiet. I glanced around, but only Jagger and Braxton were present. Both of them looked up from the TV when I entered the room.

“Where is everyone?” I asked my brother.

“The uncles all went home. Their wives are more pissed than Ma, if that’s even possible. Uncle Drake looked sick when he walked out, so I can only guess Lana put him in the doghouse.” He grimaced. “Ma and Dad went out. They were still arguing.”

As mad and hurt as I was at my dad for doing this to me, I didn’t want him and Momma to fight because of it. Growing up, they rarely did, but when it happened, it was enough to make everyone pray it never happened again.

“I think I’m going to head back to campus,” I announced. “I really can’t deal with any more this weekend.”

Both Jagger’s and Braxton’s eyes got huge. “You’re just going to leave?” Braxton demanded, getting to his feet.

I shrugged. “I don’t want to see anyone right now. Especially not Barrick or my dad. So, yeah, I’m leaving.”

“Not alone. I’ll come with you.”

“Yeah, no thanks. Regardless of what everyone thinks, I can actually take care of myself and get from Point A to Point B, all without someone holding my hand.” Crossing to Jagger, I hugged him. “Tell Momma I’ll call her. And…that I’m sorry for causing so much trouble.”

“Love you, sis.”

I swallowed roughly around the lump that seemed lodged in my throat now. “Love you, Jags.”

Without even glancing at Braxton—or toward the bedroom I’d just left—I walked away.

Of course, Braxton followed.

“Go away, Brax,” I told him tiredly as I stepped into the elevator.

He only got on with me. “I know you’re pissed at me, but whether you believe me or not, you’re my best friend, Mia.”

If I was being honest, I wasn’t really mad at him. A little, but not as much as I was where Barrick and Daddy were concerned. Mostly, I was just hurt that he hadn’t even hinted at anything going on behind my back. Because Braxton was my friend. Over the months I’d known him, he’d become just as important to me as Jordan was.

Wrapping my arms around myself because I felt chilled all the way to my bones, I leaned back against the elevator wall and remained silent the entire ride down to the lobby. Braxton watched me with cautious eyes until we got outside.

But I didn’t know how I was going to get back to campus.

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