Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6) - Page 13

“But I swear, I’m not in love with her.”

I pulled my head back as far as I could and blinked up at him. “Why are you telling me?”

“Because someone brought it to my attention tonight that you were under a huge misconception.” He pushed a few locks of my tangled hair behind

my ear before trailing his fingers down my neck. I held back the whine at how good his touch felt, but I couldn’t stop the goose bumps that popped up in his wake. “I should have cleared this up years ago. But I didn’t realize you thought my heart was engaged in that way with Mia.”

“You slept with her,” I reminded him. “And every girl you go out with looks like her in some shape or form.”

“Sleeping with her was the biggest mistake of my life. I regretted it the second it happened. If I could go back and change it, I would. But I can’t, baby.” His exploring fingers trailed down my bare arm before entwining with mine and holding my hand prisoner. “And you should know more than anyone that just because I’m in trash mags with someone doesn’t mean I’m sleeping with them.”

Angrily, I tilted my chin up. “Maybe you should tell that to Letizia.”

His laugh was so deep, it made his entire body shake with it, causing my own to clench as my clit pulsed. I loved the sound of his laugh. It never failed to cause happiness to explode inside me, but right then, I wanted to punch him in the face.

“Baby, Letizia is delusional. The only reason I see her so often is because of work.” Leaning in, he brushed his nose over mine, causing the sarcastic retort I’d been about to spew at him to dry up in my throat.

Damn, why did that feel so intimate? It was like he was nuzzling something deep in my soul. When he did it again, I couldn’t contain my little mewl of contentment and melted against him ever so slightly.

Jordan groaned as the sound left me and thrust his lower body against mine. It was then that I focused on his hardness. Holy shit, he was huge. My lashes drifted closed, and I felt a little faint as he twitched against me. It was like he had a third leg in his pants, for fuck’s sake.

“Um, Jordan, how…” I paused and licked my suddenly parched lips. “How do you even walk around in this condition without ripping your pants?”

When he didn’t answer, I lifted my lashes and found his gaze locked on to my mouth. Nervously, I licked my lips again and was fascinated by how his eyes dilated. My breathing started to pick up, my chest lifting and falling, making my tits jiggle slightly in the confines of my bra. The dress I was wearing was low-cut, so I knew it was giving him a nice little peep show of my cleavage.

Still holding my hand in one of his, he lifted the other. Skimming his middle finger over the collar of my top, he brushed his nose against mine once again. “I have to go back to Italy.”

Disappointment made my eyes sting with tears, and I clenched them closed.

“But I swear, as soon as I get back, things are going to be different, baby. Once I’m home, I’m not leaving without you again.” He cupped my breast through my dress and bra, squeezing as if he were trying to mark me. “Just give me a little more time.”

Swallowing the lump threatening to choke me, I put my free hand against his chest and pushed firmly. “I gave up on you a long time ago, Jordan,” I told him honestly, meeting his gaze. “You’re free to do whatever you want. There’s no need to make me promises or ask me for them in return.”

“Maybe not,” he murmured, pulling me close once again. “But I’m making them anyway. When I get home, I’m staking my claim, Arella.”

“Just because you call something yours doesn’t mean it’s true.” I tried to push him back again, but he wouldn’t budge. “Jordan, let me go.”

“Never,” he breathed against my lips before he sealed his mouth to mine.

My brain told me to fight him, to push him away and kick him in the balls. Who knew where that mouth of his had been recently?

But my heart gave a happy little scream, and I melted against him, kissing him back hungrily. His hands cupped my ass, lifting me up. My fingers thrust into his hair, while my legs automatically went around his waist, causing my dress to hike up until his cock was pressed right against my soaked core.

“Fuck yeah, baby,” he groaned as I cried out into his mouth when he rubbed against my clit. “That sound is the sexiest thing I have ever heard. As soon as I get back, I’m going to find out exactly what you sound like when I make you come all over my cock.”

The only response I could muster was a weak little whimper as I rubbed myself against his hardness.

“Really not the sight I was expecting—or even wanting—to see tonight.”

My head snapped up at the sound of Lyric’s voice. I glanced around and saw him and Mila standing on the sidewalk. Mila had a tired but amused smile on her face, but my cousin was looking at us with a disgusted frown.

Still breathing hard from our kiss, Jordan shot him a glare. “No one told you to look, Thornton.”

Lyric snorted. “Kinda hard not to see you two going at it like that, man. Maybe you should take this somewhere else before one of the parentals sees you two.”

My body felt like it was on fire, but reality was setting in and making me cool off way too quick. I started to shiver, and Jordan set me on my feet. “I-I should go,” I stuttered.

“Night, Arella,” Mila called, tugging her husband toward his parents’ house.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024