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Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6)

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“Baby, you keep clenching that pussy like that, and I’ll never be able to stop.” I lifted just enough so I could pet her clit with my thumb.

“Shit!” she shouted. “I’m going… I’m… Jordan!”

The way she said my name when she was losing herself to the pleasure I was giving her sent me crashing into another release. It was so powerful, I felt like my spine was going to snap. Trying to catch my breath, I rolled onto my side, taking her with me and pulling her head to my chest.

“I-I think the condom broke,” she panted. “I feel so sticky.”

Struggling to breathe, I kissed the top of her head. “It did. I’d say I’m sorry, but I don’t think I am.”

“Me either,” she mumbled sleepily. “Maybe I’ll care tomorrow.”

“I won’t,” I told her honestly, cuddling her closer as I gave in to sleep. Maybe I should have been a gentleman and gotten something to clean her up, but I liked the thought of her smelling like me all night too much to even move. “But if you are, then feel free to slap my face.”

The last thing I heard as I drifted off was her pretty giggle.



“Time to get up, babe.”

I groaned and turned away from the sound of Jordan’s voice. “Five more minutes,” I garbled sleepily.

“You’re going to be late for your last day of filming,” he reminded me.

“Five more minutes,” I whined. “You didn’t let me sleep at all last night.”

I heard his deep laugh, and it brought a smile to my lips. Even half asleep, that sound could make me ridiculously happy.

But then he snatched the covers away and slapped his huge hand down on my bare ass. The loud clap of flesh on flesh was kind of sexy, and that slight sting had my pussy gushing. I pressed my thighs together and moaned as my inner walls complained.

He really hadn’t let me get much sleep the night before. He woke me countless times, making love to me until I couldn’t keep my eyes open and then letting me nap before starting all over again. I was exhausted, and from the way my lady parts were complaining at the moment, I was fairly sure I was going to be walking slowly all day.

“Get your beautiful ass in the shower before I really do make you late.” I felt the bed shift and then his warm breath on my naked back. When his lips touched my skin, I whimpered as goose bumps popped up along my entire body. My nipples were already diamond hard, and his kisses along my spine were doing nothing for the issue between my thighs.

I rolled over, tempted to say fuck it. I was late for everything. The day I arrived on time—or God forbid, early—for something was the day everyone who knew me would be terrified the world was actually ending.

I looked up at him through my lashes and spread my legs invitingly. Only for the next sound out of my throat to be one of pain. It seriously felt as if my insides were shredded. Pressing my knees together, I rolled onto my side in agony and curled into a ball.

I had a high pain tolerance, but right then, I felt like if I had to move so much as a muscle, I would just give up. I’d had a good run, and if the way I left this world was because I’d had a night of the best sex of my fucking life, I was totally okay with that.

“Baby.” Jordan’s voice was soft and so damn soothing as he lifted me into his arms, carrying me into the bathroom. I felt his lips touch my brow, and I snuggled closer even though the lower half of my body was one huge, painful throb. “I’m sorry, Arella. I should have taken it easier on you last night. You were so tight. I should have given you time to recover, but I couldn’t hold back after finally getting a taste of how good we are together.”

I stroked my fingertips over his smooth jaw. Pouting, I let my head fall back so I could look up at his face. “I liked the scruff.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “I left friction burns on the insides of your thighs.”


“I don’t like causing you pain.” He set me on the sink then walked over to turn on the shower. With a frown, he glanced around the bathroom. “Maybe we should get another place. A house, perhaps? One with a huge bathtub for you to soak in.”

My eyes had been half closed as sleep tempted me once again, but at his suggestion, they snapped open in surprise. “I’m sorry, I must have drifted off for a second there. What did you say?” No way he had just said he thought we should get a place…together? I mean, we’d only spent one night together. That didn’t mean we should contemplate purchasing property.

He walked back

toward me, and I found myself licking my lips as I appreciated the sight before me. Jordan in nothing but a pair of black slacks. His hair was already styled, so it was pushed back from his face. The scent of his cologne hit my nose, and my inner walls clenched involuntarily. There were scratches on his chest, along with teeth marks and love bites, and I couldn’t help feeling a zing of possession that I’d marked him so thoroughly.

Too bad he would be wearing a shirt and no one would see how I’d branded him as mine. But I would remember every time I looked at him, and it drenched me.

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