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Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6)

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“You need to eat. Do you want a muffin or a breakfast sandwich?” When I kept my mouth closed, he growled something under his breath. “She’ll get both. I don’t want you to skip meals.”

While he went back to texting Taylor, I rolled my eyes. Sue saw the action in the mirror and grinned. “A man who wants to feed you,” she whispered and waggled her brows. “I would say that is a check on the pro list to keep him.”

“Trust me, there are plenty of con checks already,” I whispered back.

“What was that, babe?” Jordan asked, pocketing his phone once again.

“Nothing,” I told him, lowering my gaze to my phone. “You said you have a meeting for a project?”

“Yes, I can’t really talk about it just yet, but hopefully after today, I’ll be able to make a decision.” He snatched my phone from my hands. Sue was busy pinning my hair to my head so I couldn’t move to grab it back as he stepped a few feet away. His eyes skimmed over what was on my social feed before placing my phone in his suit jacket pocket. “But once I do make a decision, I would like to run a proposition by you.”

I lifted my brows curiously. “That depends. Are we talking a proposition that includes more evenings like last night, or me having to put on another stupid wig?”

His eyes darkened hungrily, but he quickly banked his need. “The former is a given. I don’t think we need to negotiate the terms of that aspect of our relationship. Do you?” I grinned as he gave the wig Sue was about to place on my head a disgusted glare. “The latter…I would never ask you to wear a wig when I love all that glossy dark hair, baby.”

“But it does involve a part in whatever project you’re contemplating?” He shrugged. “Huh. Well, I’m willing to give it consideration. I haven’t committed to a role in anything yet, but I have been offered several that require a decision in the next few weeks.”

Sue secured the wig in place, and I instantly wanted to start scratching my head. Thank God this was the last time I would ever have to put the damn thing on.

“I think I can outdo any contract you’ve already been offered,” he informed me with a wink.

“Oh, I’m sure you could,” I purred. “Let’s table this convo until you know more. Then we can discuss my demands, should I entertain your offer.”

“Fuck,” he groaned. “You just made the tediousness of con

tracts the sexiest thing ever. I’ll hand over every penny in my bank account right now if you say yes.”

A snort left me, causing Sue to laugh. “Why is that so funny?” the artist asked.

“He’s a freaking billionaire,” I informed her.

“Honey, if he’s offering you that kind of cash in front of witnesses, you should sign on the dotted line now. No matter what the part is.” Sue started brushing out the tangles in my hideous wig then stopped abruptly. “Except porn. Your parents would skin me alive if they knew I allowed you to agree to porn while I was in the same room.”

“It’s not porn,” Jordan growled. “And I would kill anyone who even suggested she do that shit.”

I tilted my head back, fighting a happy grin at the sight of the possessiveness in his dark eyes. “You’ve been awfully vocal about murdering people in the last twenty-four hours, Moreitti.”

He placed his hands on the armrests of my chair and bent down until his lips were almost touching mine. “Shall we revisit the hit list I’m still tempted to start, beautiful?”

I kissed him quickly before putting my hand over his heart. Feeling how hard it was beating against his ribs melted me. I loved that, with an innocent kiss, I could affect him so powerfully. “No one who you think should be on that list matters to me, so you should stop considering a life of crime and just kiss me. Because I don’t want to think about my life with you behind bars.”

“I’m going to assume I’m in the right place since you are here, Mr. Moreitti. Considering you didn’t give me very detailed directions on where you would be in this maze,” a husky female voice muttered before Jordan could kiss me.

He straightened, and the look of annoyance on his face made my disappointment that he didn’t kiss me ease. “Her drink better be made correctly, or you’ll be going back,” he said coolly as he crossed to the door and took the drink carrier from her. Pulling a venti cup free, he offered it to me.

I glanced at the order sticker on the side of the cup, saw that it had been ordered exactly the way I liked, and took a sip. With Jordan no longer blocking my view of his new assistant, I gave her a quick once-over.

Dressed in a chic pantsuit that was molded to her curvy ass, with her short hair styled on the top and shaved on the sides, she was hot as hell.

Jealousy growing by the second, I took another drink of my coffee and discreetly watched Taylor. I noted that the way she looked at Jordan was with anything but interest. Considering the flippant way she’d greeted him, I was almost convinced she didn’t even like him all that much. But when her light-brown gaze landed on me, interest flared. That had me openly appraising her.

She pushed the sleeves of her blazer up to her elbows, and I took in the tattoo along her forearm, causing my heart to lift with excitement.

The colorful heart within a heart, along with the heartbeat and the script “two hearts beating as one,” was something I’d seen before. I’d gone with Palmer when she’d gotten almost that exact same tattoo.

My jealousy over Jordan having a hot female assistant evaporated, and I gave her a warm smile. “Thank you, Taylor. This is perfect.”

“Of course, Miss Stevenson. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

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