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Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6)

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When the director finally called “Cut,” Garon cleared his throat.

“She’s incredible, I’ll give her that,” he praised, then lifted his arm toward the door. “Shall we?”

I glanced over at Arella, who was busy speaking to the director. The man was listening intently to whatever she was suggesting and nodding along with his assistant. Taylor was nearby, watching in fascination and more than a little awestruck by what she was getting to see firsthand.

“Taylor,” I called to her. She snapped to attention and rushed over to me.


I nodded toward Arella. “Whatever she needs, make sure she gets it. I’m going to take this meeting alone.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I mean it. Whatever she needs.” She promised she would stay close, and I followed Garon out the exit.

“How did you like the script I sent you?” the older man asked as we made the walk across the lot toward the executive offices.

“It has room for improvement, but for the most part, it kept my attention.” We passed a few security guards in golf carts and several people with headsets attached to their ears. The place was bustling. Arella’s show might have been ending, but there were many other projects the production company was filming.

“I’ve been talking to Montez about directing,” he tossed out casually as he opened the door to the building.

My eyes widened. Scott Montez was an Oscar-winning director, and he had a knack for action films. Every production company in the business wanted him to direct their movies. Getting him wouldn’t come cheap, but for this project, it would be worth it.

“He said he would think about it.” Garon pressed his lips into a hard line. “If we happen to have a part for his wife.”

I shrugged. “Shannon Stewart is a huge name.”

“He also stipulated he wanted his daughter to write at least one song on the soundtrack and for his son-in-law’s band to sing it.” Garon rolled his eyes, and the action reminded of Arella’s mom.

I shrugged again. “Kin St. Charles has some sick skills. Getting her name on any song is like an instant spot on the top ten charts. And Tainted Knights is probably the most popular rock band in the world. They sell out every concert eighteen months in advance. I don’t really see what the problem is with any of those stipulations. If anything, they would only make the project better in every way.”

We passed Garon’s assistant and walked into his office. He shut the door behind us then motioned to one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Are you thirsty? I can have my assistant make us some coffee.”

“I’m good,” I told him as I sat down. I waited until he was seated before speaking again. “You seem irritated that Montez wants to include members of his family. Did you have other people in mind for the soundtrack and whatever role Stewart would play?”

“No. I just know that nepotism invites chaos and drama.” He leaned back in his chair. “But I will admit that having all those names linked to this movie series will be cheap advertising. All we would have to do is drop their names into a few conversations.”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “Now, let’s talk numbers.”

He already knew I was only on board if Arella took the leading role. I was surprised he hadn’t argued with me on that since there was so much animosity between him and his sister. If anything, he’d practically jumped at the suggestion of his niece playing such a major role in his movie.

By the time we concluded the meeting, it was lunchtime. Leaving him in his office, I walked back to Arella’s studio. As I entered the building, it was to hear Arella speaking loudly.

“I just wanted to show everyone my appreciation for all your hard work over the past three years. Through everything, each and every one of you have been the real MVPs. My behind-the-scenes heroes,” she told the group in front of her. Sound crew, cameramen, makeup artists, stylists, and other production staff were gathered around as they all looked at my girl adoringly. “I sincerely hope we can work together in the future. Now, please enjoy this farewell lunch Taylor was so sweet to set up for me at the last minute.”

After everyone thanked her and gave her hugs, they got in line for a huge buffet set on tables along one wall.

While I watched and waited, Taylor came over to me. “Did you need something, Mr. Moreitti?”

“You did all this while I was gone?” I’d only been gone two hours, so I was impressed with how she’d pulled everything together so quickly.

“Miss Stevenson said she wanted to do something for the crew since no one else was showing their appreciation.”

“Good work,” I told her. “Keep this up, and I might triple your salary.”

“Will my duties include helping Miss Stevenson as well?” she asked, sounding hopeful.

I turned a glare on her. “No, but it will include you finding her an assistant of her own. I want someone for her who is just as efficient as you are. But one who won’t flirt with or eye-fuck her every chance they get.”

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