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Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6)

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I wrapped my arm around her, glad she could speak about her uncle without it bothering her. I’d worried that seeing him die right in front of her would leave some lingering psychological damage, but so far, she’d been recovering from the trauma of it all like a champ. “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” she murmured and climbed onto my lap. Thankfully, we had the place all to ourselves this evening. “Winston Cline emailed me earlier, saying something about taking on all of Garon’s open projects. I’m going to assume that the movie Garon wanted you to back him on will be one of them.” She stroked her index finger down my nose. “And if you can talk Winston into waiting until after the baby is born and I’ve lost the weight I’m already putting on, I’d be okay with taking on the lead role in the franchise.”

I dropped my hand to her belly. “If that’s what you want, my love. I’m on board with whatever you say.”

She tilted her head back. “Is that one house Peter was talking about still on the market?”

“Be more specific, baby. Poor Peter has talked about a lot of houses with us,” I reminded her with a smirk.

Arella bit her lip for a moment before releasing it. “The house near Mia. The mansion with twenty-thousand square feet.”

I started tracing little circles on her belly. “You said it was too much house for us.”

“I did,” she agreed. “But then I started thinking about all the kids we want. And then how much your parents and mine will constantly be at our house visiting. Then I thought about how sometimes I want to suck your dick or have you fuck me at crazy times of the day.” She pouted. “And they are always around. If we lived there, and they were in the house, I could take you to the opposite side of the house and still be as loud as I want while you—”

I grabbed my phone before she could even finish that last sentence. Peter picked up on the second ring. “Is that house in Beverly Hills still available?” I demanded while Arella buried her face in my neck and giggled.

“There are three people in a bidding war over it, actually. It’s already two million over the asking price,” the real estate agent informed me.

“Tell the owners I’ll pay them double what they are asking.”

Stunned silence filled my ear before he spoke in a strangled voice. “I’ll… Um, I will let them know. Expect my call.”

I hung up without responding and dropped the phone onto the couch beside us. “It’s ours,” I told her.

“I heard,” she giggled again. The sound warmed something deep inside me that only she could touch. “Good thing my fiancé is a billionaire, or I might have to do a few more movies before this little nugget arrives so we can afford such an expensive home.”

“Baby, if you wanted a house the size of the moon on top of Mount Everest, I would make it happen,” I vowed.

She cuddled close, her breathing starting to even out, and I thought she was falling asleep until she jumped to her feet. “Oh my goodness! I can’t wait to start decorating our home. I have so many ideas for the living room. And our bedroom…”

I sat back, smiling as she paced back and forth in front of me, telling me all about her ideas for our new house. The animation on her face, the way her blue-gray eyes danced with happiness and excitement, only made my heart feel like it was going to fly right out of my chest. Every time she turned to pace in the opposite direction, the light would catch on her engagement ring, and the possessive monster deep inside me purred in contentment.

That ring, and the baby bump that would be showing soon enough, told the world who this woman belonged to.

“Don’t tire yourself out too much decorating the house, baby,” I warned. “We still have a wedding to plan.”

“Our moms are helping with that already,” she said with a wave of her hand. “And Aunt Emmie has already found us a venue. I just need to find the perfect dress, and then we’re all set.”

As she walked in front of me again, I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her onto my lap once again. “How about helping me decide where to go on our honeymoon, then. Where does my beautiful bride want to go?”

“I don’t care,” she said with a shrug. “Because wherever we end up, I don’t plan on us seeing more than the hotel room for the most part.”

“Oh yeah?” I murmured, tugging her pajama bottoms down so I could feel the warm flesh of her luscious ass. “And why is that, my bride?”

She smiled coyly. “Because I’m going to spend the entire honeymoon fucking my husband until he’s brain-dead from lack of blood supply to his big head.”

“How is that different from any other day?” I teased.

She lowered her head until her lips were ghosting over mine. “Because then you will be all mine. Completely at my mercy. With my ring on your finger, tying you to me for the rest of our lives.”

I caught the back of her head, taking the kiss she was trying to deny me. When I let her up for air, I lightly smacked her perfect ass. “Again, other than the ring, how is that different from any other day?” I stroked over the flesh I’d just marked. “I can put a ring on right now if you want. We don’t have to have the ceremony for me to wear the ring that will show the world I belong to you just as much as you belong to me.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Whatever ring you want, I’ll never take it off.”

“What if the ring I want you to wear isn’t really a ring?” She started nibbling on her bottom lip again, and with a groan, I used my thumb to tug the tortured flesh free.

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