Needing Arella (Rockers' Legacy Book 6) - Page 60

After Garon was shot, Detective Kirtner took a forensic team to his house and found further proof that he was, in fact, my stalker. Not only had there been a cage full of the poor little birds he’d sent me in some of the pa

ckages, but there had been bottles of my favorite lotion beside his bed, along with pictures of me all over his bedroom wall.

Pictures that he’d taken with his phone at a distance or gotten from the camera in my dressing room, which were of me naked while I was changing clothes.

Kirtner had discovered that Garon had a therapist and, after speaking to the man, told us Garon had started losing touch with reality following the death of his father. Garon had never told the man about what he was doing to Mom or me, but the majority of their therapy sessions had been about Garon complaining about Pop-Pop not loving him enough and leaving all his assets to Mom and her children.

Crazily enough, Garon had left me everything in his own will. I guess in his fucked-up mind, he thought we were going to be together forever once he kidnapped me. I hadn’t wanted any of his money. It felt tainted and dirty. I donated it to an organization that helped victims of abuse and stalkers start over.

The stake he owned in Strive, however, I’d gifted to Jordan. Now he didn’t need to go through Winston Cline to do the supervillainess movies he wanted to franchise. I couldn’t wait to lose the twenty pounds I’d gained while pregnant so we could start filming the first movie.

The story of how Garon died and why had caused a huge media frenzy for a few weeks, but once it calmed down, life had gotten back to normal for us. I didn’t hold it against my parents for keeping anything from me, and they hadn’t done the same with me. We were all at fault, but we’d only been trying to protect one another.

Jordan stroked my hair back from my face, pulling me out of my head. “You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, touching his lips to mine. “We can have as many babies as you want, my love. I’ll suck it up and deal. I did promise you we would fill up our house, and I still want that too. Just give me a few weeks to recover from being scared something might happen to you.”

“Deal,” I quickly agreed.

And that was how we ended up needing to add a few bedrooms to our house…

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024