Wanting Shaw (Rockers' Legacy Book 5) - Page 58

I couldn’t lose her.

/> Chapter 25


Sunday morning, I woke up with Jagger still pressed up against me. His heat alone made the need for a blanket of any kind redundant. When I shifted, he followed, as if he couldn’t stand to be so much as an inch away from me, even in his sleep. I kissed his cheek, knowing he still wasn’t feeling well, and carefully untangled myself so I could start my day.

After everyone had left the night before, he’d been pale and quiet, so I knew his stomach was continuing to bother him. I’d said goodnight to Violet and then pulled Jagger into his bedroom. After he showered, we’d snuggled together under the covers, and I’d just stroked my fingers up and down his back until he fell asleep.

But not before he told me he loved me.

Hearing those words had me drifting into dreamland with a smile on my face that was still there when I stepped into the shower. Once I was dressed and walked back into the bedroom, Jagger was lying on his stomach, my pillow clutched to his side as he snored.

I could get used to this every morning.

With that thought ringing in my head, I walked into the kitchen to find Violet already sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of her as she texted away.

“Who are you talking to so early?” I asked as I opened the fridge and pulled out the container of orange juice.

“Just Remington,” she said, dropping her spoon into her-now empty bowl. “He’s still in Japan, but he said his grandfather is talking about London.”

“I love London. What I wouldn’t give for one of Aldrich’s omelets right now.” My stomach grumbled hungrily at the thought of the celebrity chef’s fluffy, spicy, veggie omelet goodness.

“Maybe we can take a trip and meet up with Remington at Aldrich’s restaurant,” Violet suggested, her pretty purple eyes flashing with excitement.

“I’m down,” I told her with a grin.

She typed another text and then set her phone facedown on the table. “I have to head home soon. I’m interning at the magazine for the summer, and I start tomorrow.”

“Okay, give me a few minutes, and I’ll drive you home.” I finished my glass of juice while I made myself some toast and then wrote Jagger a note before grabbing my purse, and we left. Violet had her overnight bag, but I decided to leave my stuff behind so I would have something there the next time I came over.

The thought of leaving more and more of my things at Jagger’s was something I’d imagined would freak me out, but for some reason, I wasn’t nearly as nervous about it as expected. After the weekend I’d just spent with him, most of my fear had started to let up. Jagger had been so patient with me, and I was beginning to see that he wasn’t going to hurt me like Luca had Violet.

He’d already proved he picked me over Cannon.

“You’re so happy, you’re glowing,” Violet commented as we walked to the elevators. “I mean, damn girl. Did you and Jagger…?” She gave me an eyebrow waggle, and I snorted out a laugh.

“Not last night. He wasn’t feeling well.” I linked my arm through hers. “But as soon as he’s feeling better, I’m jumping his bones.”

“You mean bone,” she snickered.

We were both laughing as we passed Kayla and Dana’s apartment. The door opened, and Kayla stuck her head out. Seeing us, she quickly closed the door behind her as she stepped into the hall. She was dressed in yoga pants and a workout top with running shoes on, so I assumed she was going to the gym.

“Hey,” I greeted. “How was date night?”

She sighed heavily as she fell into step with us. “It was enlightening.” Pressing her lips together, she stabbed the call button for the elevator a little aggressively. “How did you take your man telling you?”

Vi and I shared a look, and I was glad to see I wasn’t the only one confused by Kayla’s question. “Tell me what?” I asked as the elevator doors opened.

Her eyes widened. “He didn’t tell you,” she muttered. “Of course he didn’t. Men are dogs.”

“Depends on the man,” Violet told her, her voice ringing with pain. “But yeah, I’ll agree with you for the most part.” She stepped into the elevator and Kayla followed her, but I just stood there, looking at the older girl.

“Tell me what?” I repeated.

Kayla’s mouth turned down. “I don’t feel right telling you.”

“Shaw.” Violet waved her hand at me. “Hello? Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to drive me home? Because I can call Lyric for a ride if you need me to.”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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