Wanting Shaw (Rockers' Legacy Book 5) - Page 84

She bit her lip and glanced over at the group before turning her gaze back to me. “This tension is killing me,” she whispered. “I’ve been so nervous for you all day, and now this? I nearly passed out when Violet hugged Luca earlier.”

“They hugged?” I whispered back.

“Cannon, run!” Shaw cried, and I glanced around just as Cannon mouthed “Fuck” and took off running for the door. But before I could react, Mia swayed, and I caught her elbow, guiding her over to a chair.

“Don’t let Barrick see,” she whispered frantically. “I’m okay. Just been a little…”

“Pregnant?” I whispered back when she pressed her lips together in a tight line.

Her eyes begged me to be quiet. “Please don’t say anything. I was waiting to tell him as a Christmas gift.”

“My lips are sealed,” I promised.

“Jags,” Shaw called my name, and I lifted my head. “Want to help me save my worthless brother’s life?”

“What’s in it for me?” I teased her.

“Saving your best friend’s life?” she offered hopefully.

“Not good enough, sorry.” I turned back to Mia, concerned with how pale she was. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I whispered.

She nodded. “I just got a little dizzy. Go on before someone gets suspicious and I have to announce this baby. I don’t want to mess up your plans.”

I didn’t want to leave her, but she was insistent, and I turned just in time to hear Violet’s laugh. “Get Barrick to help. I don’t think Jagger has the muscles to assist you.”

“Hey,” I protested. “I can take either of them.”

“Yeah, okay,” Violet snorted.

“Don’t believe me?” She shook her head, and I fought back a growl, knowing she was playing me but unable to stop the need to prove her wrong. “Fine. Let’s go, Shaw. I’ll save the asshole.”

I started toward the door without her, only glancing back to make sure Mia was still okay. She gave me a bright smile and a thumbs-up, so I went to save Cannon.

Not that he didn’t deserve the beating Luca was going to dish out. Luca hadn’t gotten the chance to take care of Cannon after what happened to Violet at that party. Cannon should have known he couldn’t go through life without facing the consequences Luca would inflict.

“Hurry,” Shaw urged, running up behind me.

I opened the door, and we stepped outside just as I heard an agonized shout. Luca had caught Cannon mere feet from the front porch. Cannon was on the ground, his face already bleeding, one arm wrapped around his chest, as if he’d taken a shot to the ribs.

But before I could move to intervene, Jenner put Luca in a headlock and pulled him back. “Calm down, Mr. Thornton!” Violet’s bodyguard yelled.

“Release me,” Luca roared. “I’m going to kill the motherfucker.”

“I can’t do that, sir. Mr. Sawyer will fire me if I let you go to prison for murder.”

Shaw and I shared a look, and I couldn’t help but wonder why Remington would give a shit if Luca went to prison. If you asked me, I was sure it would have made his life easier in the long run to have the football player behind bars.

After struggling for a while longer, and realizing he wasn’t getting free of the bodyguard’s hold, Luca finally lifted his hands. “Peace, peace. I give, man. Release me. I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

“Baby, help your brother up,” I instructed, moving so I was between Luca and Cannon, who was still lying on the ground. I didn’t want to turn my back on Luca and put Shaw at risk if she got in the way. Luca wouldn’t mean to hurt her, but as enraged as he was right then, I knew he wouldn’t even see her as he tried to get his hands on Cannon again.

Jenner didn’t immediately release Luca, and for that, I was thankful, especially when the Bryants and Nialls walked up the driveway. Asher and Piper were in front of their parents. Seeing Cannon on the ground, Asher burst out laughing, but Piper screamed and ran over to help Shaw.

“Fuck,” Uncle Liam muttered as he and Aunt Gabs took in the scene, causing the six people behind them to stop.

The large group of newcomers pulled Jenner’s gaze their way as the Niall quadruplets moved forward to see what all the commotion was about. The three boys laughed at the sight along with their cousin, while Doe’s eyes widened. But her gaze wasn’t on Cannon lying on the ground.

It was locked on Jenner. And Jenner was looking right back. I couldn’t remember when I’d ever seen Doe in a dress. Normally, she was in jeans, some kind of pretty-colored flannel, and cowboy boots. Even at Ma’s Christmas Eve party, she wouldn’t normally dress up. This year, however, she was wearing a crimson dress that molded to her curvy body. She was wearing flats, but she was almost as tall as Shaw, so she didn’t need heels. Her thick, dark hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, and she had on just a touch of makeup.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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