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Tainted Kiss (Tainted Knights 1)

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I lifted my head and saw all the pain in his eyes, the same pain that was probably in my own.

“She was sick most of my life. Muscular sclerosis—MS.”

I stretched my hand out, touching his shirt, pressing against his heart, as if I could keep it from breaking as his face twisted with a soul deep sadness. “I’m so sorry.”

He gave me a grim smile. “It was hard watching her be so sick all the time. We didn’t have any money, and the insurance she had only covered the bare necessities of her illness. I always had this dream that one day I’d be this famous rocker and have plenty of money to get her the best doctors.” He shook his head and glanced out at the ocean like I had done. Then he sucked his lip ring between his teeth before releasing a harsh breath. “She died before I could make that happen.”

There were no words either of us could say that would take away the pain of losing our parents, so we didn’t speak. We just sat there, both of us staring at the waves hitting the beach, holding on to each other. It was peaceful, watching the white capped waves splashing against the sand then retreating.

I liked having the heat of his body soak into mine as the sun finished setting and a cool wind started to blow. As time ticked away, some of the pain in my chest started to ease, and I felt him begin to relax a little, as well.

He turned his head and pressed his lips to my temple. “Are you hungry?”

Finding a genuine smile for him this time, I nodded. “Starving. I didn’t have time for lunch earlier.”

He got to his feet and dusted the sand off his jeans before offering me his hand. Once I was standing, he picked up my gear before linking our fingers together.

We walked to his car in contented silence. I loved that we didn’t need to constantly fill the time with pointless talking. That we could just be with each other and not have to worry about making the other person more comfortable with endless, pointless conversation.

Kale opened the passenger door and helped me in before putting my gear in the trunk. Seconds later, he joined me and started the car.

“What are we eating? As hungry as I am, I could eat just about anything.”

“Pizza?” I suggested. “We could pick one up and go back to your place.”

His hand paused in the act of shifting the car into reverse. A frown wrinkled his brow and concern sat in his hazel eyes. “Let me guess; Wade is at your place?”

My nose wrinkled just thinking about my roommate’s boyfriend and the argument that had almost blown up my entire apartment that morning. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to get into what had happened right then.

“Ah, you’re psychic, as well as sexy. How did I get so lucky?”

The fire that filled his gaze was hot enough to burn me as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You have a very sassy little mouth that I’m dying to kiss, doll,” he murmured against my cheek. “I’m trying to be good, but when you call me sexy like that, it does very dangerous things to a part of my brain … and my body.”

Goose bumps lifted across my entire body, and I was helpless to stop my shiver.

“Maybe I like that I can do dangerous things to your brain and body.” I lifted a hand and rubbed my fingers over his facial hair. His eyes closed, and he pressed his forehead against my own.

The fear from yesterday was taking a backseat today. I had missed him from the moment I’d closed the door on him the night before. He had been the last thing I thought about before falling asleep last night, and the first thought to pop into my head when I’d woken up. Those things should have only made me that much more scared of how he made me feel, but oddly, it didn’t.

Kale sucked in a ragged breath and pulled away quickly. Then, as he put the car in gear, I noticed his fingers actually shook.

“So, pizza?” He backed up then shot me a wink. “And what does my doll want on this pizza?”

“I could go for ham and pineapple, but if you don’t like that, I’m cool with just pepperoni and olives.”

He shot me a look as he pulled out into traffic. “Ham and pineapple for you, and one with everything for me.” He winked again, and I couldn’t help squirming in my seat as my panties grew damp. Dammit, why did he have to do yummy things like that? “Want some wings? Bread sticks? Dessert?”

“That’s a lot of food, Kale. I’d never be able to eat it all.”

“Maybe not, but I can and probably will. I’m starved.” He paused at a red light and reached over to push my hair over my shoulder. “It’s hungry work listening to Travis drone on and on about this and that and everything else.”

“I bet,” I said on a laugh. “He loves the sound of hi

s own voice. That was one of the first things I noticed about him when I met him for the first time. Honestly, I think Emmie thinks he’s a tool, but he’s so good at his job that she doesn’t care.”

“He’s liable to end up a dead tool if he doesn’t cool his jets where Kassa is concerned.” With the light now green, he drove through the intersection and switched lanes. “The guy has a death wish. Gray doesn’t play well with others, and he especially doesn’t play well with people who sniff around Kassa.”

“I kind of figured that out yesterday. A blind person could see the sparks flying off those two.” I wasn’t sure what was up with Gray and Kassa. Hell, I didn’t even know them. Regardless, I could tell there was something going on with them.

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