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Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4)

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“Maybe?” He grimaced. “I don’t know. Maybe he came clean to Mom and Dad, and they’re just waiting to see how you react so they can follow your lead.”

“Vi!” Dad called out, amusement lacing his voice. “You have a guest, sweetheart.”

I inhaled deeply and slowly released it. “I’ve got this,” I said, more to myself than to Lyric.

“I’m right here if you need me,” he promised and kissed the top of my head. “Let’s get this over with.”

Nodding, I let him lead the way to the living room. Lyric hadn’t picked sides with this breakup, and I was glad. I didn’t want to lose his friendship, but I didn’t want him to have a falling-out with his twin either.

I could hear my uncles throwing questions at Luca, asking him how school was, how he liked his coaches, and if he was ready to face Auburn at his next game. They didn’t give him time to answer as one after the other asked him a new question as soon as one was already tossed his way.

Then I was standing in the doorway to the living room, and my eyes were drawn to him involuntarily. I held my breath, waiting for the pain to decimate me all over again, and when our gazes locked, I felt my knees start to give out.

Lyric was there to put an arm around me, laughing off my reaction when I heard Mom gasp in distress, while Luca rushed forward and started to touch me. I jerked back from his hand, but no one could see because he was so damn wide, he completely blocked me from the others.

“Dinner’s not for another half hour.” I heard Mom saying. “Why don’t you two take a walk out on the beach? Just a few minutes to yourselves since he has to go back tonight.”

Luca glanced at her with a tight smile. “Thanks, Aunt Harper.” Turning back to me, he held out his hand, and because I didn’t want to answer any questions yet, I reluctantly put mine in his.

But it was the hand that had the promise ring in it, and when he realized what I was placing in his palm, he turned to stone right before my eyes. I watched as he swallowed hard then tugged me toward the exit.

As soon as the door was closed behind me, I jerked my hand out of his hold, leaving the ring behind.

He released a heavy sigh. “Vi…”

“Not here. They might hear you,” I gritted out and kept walking until I got to the edge of the water. I was wearing running shoes, but I stepped into the surf and let the cold water ground me. I needed the icy reminder that I was still alive. That this pain he was causing me hadn’t killed me.

He stepped up beside me and thrust his hands into his pants pockets. We stood there, both of us quiet for several minutes before he muttered a curse.

“Why did you wait to fly at the last minute?” I asked, needing something rational to talk about so I didn’t start screaming at him like a lunatic. “Especially if you have to fly right back tonight?”

If possible, he seemed to get even tenser. “I had a few things to take care of before I could come home, but I needed to see you.”


“I…I have to tell you something.” I heard him swallow hard and forced myself to turn and face him. His mouth opened and closed several times, but he didn’t seem able to find his voice.

“Tell me,” I whispered, almost afraid of what he was going to say because, in my gut, I knew whatever was about to leave his mouth was going to hurt.

“Vi… Baby, I’m so sorry.” His throat bobbed, and he closed his eyes for a long moment before they jerked open. “Lyric told me you didn’t want to say anything to the parents yet, but I had to tell Mom and Dad. And Aunt Emmie.”

“Why?” What could possibly have made him want to tell his parents when he didn’t have to?

“Megan…” I flinched at the sound of her name. “Megan says she’s pregnant.”

The world felt as if it shifted, and I staggered back from him, feeling my stomach protest. No. This was some sick joke he was playing. I knew we were over, that everything we had ever talked about was never going to happen. But no way was he having a baby with someone else.

I was supposed to be the mother of his children. I was the one who was supposed to give him babies.

I was the only one who should give him a family, and when he broke us, I’d decided he should never have any of those things. It wasn’t right, was selfish and vengeful, but if we couldn’t be together, then we should both be alone.


“Is she?” I gasped, feeling out of breath as I fought my gag reflex to keep the contents in my stomach w

here they belonged.

He scrubbed both hands over his face and into his hair. “I don’t know. She showed me a positive pregnancy test, and the due date she said the doctor gave her matches up to that weekend we had—” He broke off when I felt what little color that had been in my face drain. “But I used protection. There wasn’t a problem with the condom. If she’s pregnant, I can’t be the father. But…”

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