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Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4)

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“Starving,” she told him with a pout.

“Are you saying you won’t chat with me for five minutes and want me to slave over your dinner?” He turned wounded eyes on me. “My heart is breaking right now.”

“She’s definitely a heartbreaker,” I agreed. “Mia tells me Jagger’s newest song is all about how Shaw Cage won’t forgive him and keeps stomping all over his heart.”

Shaw rolled her eyes but didn’t deny it. Jagger’s solo hit was on both the rock and pop stations and climbing charts left and right. But a song wasn’t how to win Shaw over, and he knew it. The dumbass.

“Ah, young love.” He winked then stuck out his hand to Remington, which Remington shook readily. “Pleasure to have you dining with us tonight, Remington. I heard you were in the city but didn’t dream you would be visiting us. But since you’re with these two beauties, I’m guessing they strong-armed you into treating them to a meal here.”

“I’ve heard good things about this place,” Remington told him with a smile. “And if Stevenson recommends something, I always know I’m in for a treat.”

We spent a few minutes catching up with Aldrich before he stood. “As lovely as it is to visit with two of my favorite girls, I need to get back to the kitchen. What shall I whip up for you three?”

“Surprise us,” Shaw told him.

“Perfect.” He glanced at Remington, shook his hand again, then blew Shaw and me kisses before returning to the kitchen.

For the next hour, the three of us caught up. It was a great evening of delicious food and fun company. I found myself craving the small, intimate touches Remington kept giving me. They were subtle, barely there caresses to my arm or tenderly pushing a few locks of my hair back from my face. Tiny things I’d seen other couples doing all my life. Things Luca and I had both done in the past. I realized I’d missed being touched, but other than Luca, Remington was the only other guy I’d ever actually liked having touch me.

By the time our dessert plates were being cleared away, I was sad to have the night end. But I kept a smile on my face and followed Shaw to the bathroom when she said she needed to fix her lipstick.

“What’s with the sad eyes?” she asked me as soon as we were in the ladies’ room.

I bit my lip. “We’re going home tomorrow,” I reminded her. “And I think I already miss Remington.”

“So, don’t go home tomorrow,” she said, as if it were that simple.

“I can’t not go home tomorrow,” I muttered and swiped gloss over my bottom lip. “I have class Monday.”

“A class you don’t even like,” my bestie reminded me. “You still haven’t decided what you want to study yet, and these required classes you’re trying to get out of the way first are boring as hell to you. Just come clean and tell your parents that college life isn’t for you. Or at least tell them you need a bodyguard to keep the idiots back so you don’t have to worry about getting blindsided while you’re having lunch.”

“It’s only been a few weeks. Maybe I’ll start enjoying it.” But I knew I was only fooling myself. College wasn’t for everyone, and I was certain I fell into that category.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want a college degree. It was that I didn’t want the college experience. It wasn’t fun for me. I’d been contemplating switching to online classes to get the education I wanted without having to deal with other college life issues. Like joining a sorority or going to frat parties or having people basically stalk me in the cafeteria when they realized who I was.

It was getting annoying, and I felt uncomfortable even eating on campus because I was starting to feel like I needed a personal bodyguard just to keep people from bothering me while I tried to enjoy a meal.

“I can’t stay past tomorrow,” Shaw told me as she returned her makeup to her purse. “But you can, Vi. There’s something going on with you and Remington. The chemistry between you two is sizzling. And no one is here to stop it from happening this time. Well, no one except you. If you don’t want to explore what you two could have…”

“Get out of my head, Shaw,” I muttered and grabbed my purse.

“I’m just saying.”

“I know,” I grumbled and pushed open the door.

As we approached our table, Remington stood. There was a determined look in his eyes when his gaze locked with mine. A determined, hungry look that made my knees turn to jelly. When only a few feet separated us, he reached out and caught my hand, tugging me into his space.

I held my breath as I looked up at him and decided to let fate lead me. If this was where I was meant to be, if there really was a chance that I could be happy with this guy, then I was going to close my eyes and let the universe decide it for me.

My lashes lowered, and I just stood there, waiting for a sign.

When I felt his lips brush ever so gently over mine and my heart skipped a beat, I knew.

Opening my eyes, I smiled up at him. “I don’t want the night to end.”

He released his breath as if he’d been holding it. “I was hoping you would say that.”

“Well, this girl is tired.” Shaw yawned dramatically, and I knew she was faking it. “I’m going to head back to the hotel.” She kissed my cheek and whispered close to my

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