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Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4)

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His jaw clenched, giving me my answer, and my heart broke a little more.

“I love you, Remi,” I told him. “He may have been my first love, but you’re my forever.”

“No, you’re my forever,” he argued, and I slapped him across the chest playfully.

“Don’t argue with me on this today, mister,” I threatened as he helped me into the back of the car as Shaw got in on the other side.

“Or what?” he challenged with a wicked twist of his lips.

“Don’t answer that,” Shaw said as she took the towel the driver offered us and started to dry herself. “I don’t want to have those pictures in my head right now.”

As we drove toward the Hannigans’ bar, I thought about the ceremony and how beautiful everything had been, even with Little Em’s antics. Then I remembered Neveah and how unwell she’d been. Pulling my phone from my purse, I called her.

Braxton answered on the fifth ring. “We’re at the hospital,” he said in greeting. “She’s fine but dehydrated.”

“You’re sure she’s okay?” I asked, and Shaw took my hand.

“Yeah, that doctor who is taking care of Fontana’s wife checked her over. She’s not in labor, just dehydrated. She’s getting fluids, and then we’re going to head home. But our company jet is supposed to take Luca back to Tennessee first. I’ll have to figure out which one will be ready to take us as soon as we’re done here.”

Making a decision, I lowered the phone and looked up at Remington. “Is the plane ready to go?”

“Yeah, you want to blow off this party and head home?” Understanding lit his eyes, and I kissed him quickly.

“Santa Monica okay for the moment?”

“Violet, if you’re there, it’s home for me.”

“I love you,” I choked out and kissed him again.

When he pulled back, I put the phone to my ear again. “I think I’ve got you covered, Brax. Meet us at the airport when you’re ready.”

“Really?” He sounded so relieved, I felt even better about my quick decision. “Thanks, Violet. I really want her to be home in our bed tonight.”

Shaw leaned her head on my shoulder after I hung up. “I guess you’re leaving me,” she said with a sigh.

“You’re not coming?”

She shook her head. “I’ve got things to take care of here.” She kissed my cheek just as the driver pulled up outside the entrance to the bar. “Love you. Have a safe flight. Rub Nevi’s tummy for me.”

I hugged her. “Tell Jags I said hi,” I told her, and she winked as she got out.

Turning around once the door was closed, I put my feet in Remington’s lap while the driver pulled back onto the road to take us to the airport. “I should warn you. My dad wants us to stay close for a little while.”

He pulled off my shoes and started rubbing my feet. “And what do you want?”

I moaned at how good it felt when he started squeezing my heel. “I only want you.”

Chapter 36


We stayed in Santa Monica for two weeks once we got back from the wedding to make my dad happy. But I didn’t want to sit still. We went continent-hopping for the next two months, exploring the world together just like Remington promised me.

It was so much fun, and I found myself doing things I never would have even thought about trying in the past. Like skydiving. Remington wasn’t a novice at it, and we jumped out of a plane with me strapped to his front. Heights scared the hell out of me, but with him holding on to me, I knew nothing could happen to me.

That didn’t stop me from screaming, though. He laughed until he was hoarse from it, not that I’d heard him with the wind howling in my ears as we descended rapidly toward the ground. But his entire body vibrated from how hard he was laughing, and I’d felt it even after we’d landed.

At the beginning of October, we returned to Santa Monica, and Remington invited my family out on his yacht for the day. Mom and Dad, Mason, Shaw and her parents, along with Cannon, Aunt Emmie and Uncle Nik with Jagger, Uncle Drake and Aunt Lana and all of their kids were invited. Although Nevaeh and Braxton declined because Nevaeh was so close to her due date, she was pretty miserable, the rest of them joined us. Even Uncle Jesse and Aunt Layla came along with Lucy, Harris, and their two children.

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