Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4) - Page 110

She had a doctor’s appointment three weeks after the funeral, so she had no choice but to finally leave the house. Shaw had to handle something for work earlier that morning and said she would meet us there, so it was just Violet and me in the back of the car while Jenner drove us.

Violet sat with her head against the window, watching the scenery go by on the drive.

“It’s weird,” she muttered, seeming to talk to herself. “My world stopped, but everyone else’s kept moving forward.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just grasped her hand and held it firmly in mine.

At the doctor’s office, we left Jenner with the car, and I stayed beside Violet while she checked in with the receptionist. The woman’s brows lifted when she saw me, but she didn’t comment on it as she told Violet they would be right with us.

I glanced around the waiting room, looking for a place for us to sit with three chairs together for when Shaw arrived, but the place was fairly crowded. Picking the first two empty seats we came to because Vi was already tired, I helped her sit before taking my own chair.

“Is it always this busy?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “Sometimes.” She touched her forehead. “I have such a bad headache.”

“Here, babe, let me rub it for you.” I stood and moved close so I could massage her temples.

Behind me, I heard someone whispering. “Look how loving her husband is. You never take care of me like that.”

Violet must have heard the woman too, because her eyes widened and she jerked back. “I-I’m good. Thanks.”

I knew she wasn’t, but the guilt I saw on her face told me I shouldn’t force the issue. Shaw coming through the door at that moment was a welcome distraction, and I continued to stand so she could have my chair.

“Sorry I’m late,” she muttered as she hugged Violet. “Remind me never to agree to a shoot with photographers I don’t know.”

Violet frowned. “Why? What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m debating how much pain I want this guy to feel, though. Maybe I should leave him breathing, so I can tell my brother. But if I want him in the ground, I would have to tell my dad or Jagger.”

“Want me to take care of it?” I asked her with a smirk.

“Nah,” she said with a grin. “It will be more fun if my brother gets a few convictions under his belt.”

“Offer is always on the table.” A nurse appeared in the doorway.

“Mrs. Sawyer?”

I helped Violet to her feet then let her and Shaw go ahead of me as I followed them. Violet stepped on a scale and then had her blood pressure and temperature taken before the nurse gave her a little plastic cup to pee in. While she went to the bathroom, Shaw and I were told to take a seat in one of the exam rooms, but I stayed outside the bathroom door waiting.

When she came out a few minutes later, she was surprised to see me. “Did you hear me pee?” she whispered, her cheeks filling with pink.

I laughed and touched my hand to the small of her back as I guided her to the exam room I’d seen Shaw go into earlier. “It wasn’t the first time.”

“Really?” She glared up at me. “I can’t believe you listened.”

Hiding my grin, I helped her up onto the exam table just as the doctor walked in behind us. The woman’s eyes went huge when she saw me, but she quickly recovered as she greeted both Violet and Shaw.

“How are you feeling, Violet?” she asked as she took out a little doppler thing along with a bottle of gel and placed it on Violet’s stomach when she lifted her maternity shirt.

“Tired,” Violet muttered.

“Remington didn’t come with you this time?” she asked, and I realized the doctor didn’t know about Remington’s death. Everything had been handled low-key, so the paps hadn’t found out about Remington Sawyer’s passing. I didn’t know if that was because he’d had things set up so that no one outside Violet’s family would know or if Aunt Emmie had pulled a little magic, but there hadn’t even been an obituary in the papers.

Tears instantly filled Violet’s eyes, and she quickly turned her head away. “N-no,” she whispered. “He won’t be coming with me anymore.”

“O-kay,” the doctor muttered when she didn’t elaborate, and Shaw and I shared a look before she shrugged, telling me we should play this how Violet wanted. “Well, let’s check on this growing girl.”

A moment later, the room filled with the sound of the baby’s heartbeat, and I felt my knees go weak. “That’s amazing,” I murmured as I moved closer to Violet and reached for her hand. Her fingers trembled, but she clasped mine tightly and gave me a brave little smile. “She sounds so strong.”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Rockers' Legacy Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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