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Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4)

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“She is definitely an active baby,” the doctor agreed. “Everything looks good, Violet. You’re measuring right on schedule. Your urine and blood pressure are good, and I don’t see any signs of swelling. Do you have any questions for me?”

Violet shook her head as she sat up and fixed her clothing, but then seemed to change her mind. “Can I travel?”

I blinked at her question, not liking it one bit. “Vi—”

“I don’t see any reason for you not to right now. Just make sure you are moving around frequently on any long trips.” She smiled. “But I don’t recommend it at all once you get into your eighth month.”

“Okay, thanks.” She started to stand, and I rushed to help her to make sure she didn’t fall.

“Make another four-week appointment on your way out,” her doctor instructed. “You’re doing great. Keep up whatever you’re doing to stay so healthy.”

As we waited for Violet to make another appointment, Shaw stood beside me, looking as uneasy as I felt. “Where do you want to travel to, Vi?” she finally asked as we stepped onto the elevator outside the doctor’s office.

“I don’t know,” she said as she leaned back against the far wall and closed her eyes. She looked so tired, and with the way her brow kept scrunching up, I knew her head still must have been hurting. “I just wanted to make sure the option was available.”

Relieved that she wasn’t planning on running away from me, I wondered about the possibility of taking her on a small vacation to get away from everything. Even if it was just for a few days, it might do her some good.

The idea took hold and stuck for the rest of the day. That evening, Shaw went to her parents’ for the evening, and I was glad for the alone time with Violet.

“Remember the summer we spent at Shaw’s West Bridge house?” I asked as we ate dinner together.

A small smile lifted at her lips. “Vividly.”

“I bought a house close to them,” I told her, and her eyes began to sparkle. “Figured if I was going to be there for the time being, might as well settle down a little. Have a permanent place to call my own since I didn’t want to have a lot of nosy neighbors in an apartment building.”

“When did you buy a house?” she asked curiously. “I didn’t even know anything was on the market. At least, there hadn’t been when she and I stayed there last summer.”

“I closed on it just after the first of the year. I’ve been taking my time moving in, arranging one room at a time.” I toyed with my fork, more interested in her reaction to my next question than my food. “Do you want to take a trip and check the place out? We don’t have to stay long. You just seem like you need a break from everything around here.”

She slowly set her own fork down. “You wouldn’t mind me making a mess in your new house?” she asked shyly.

“I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to move in and stay with me forever,” I told her honestly. “It’s a huge house with five bedrooms and only me there. The place gets lonely at times.”

She bit the inside of her bottom lip and contemplated my offer for a long moment. “I

really would like to get away for a little while,” she finally murmured.

“Just say the word, and we’ll go whenever you’re ready,” I promised.

Pink filled her cheeks, and she glanced down at her plate. “Tomorrow?”

“I’ll book us tickets.” I already had my phone in my hand.

“We could just take the jet,” she offered, glancing up then back at her plate. “I haven’t really thought about the damn thing, but it’s just sitting at the airport. Maybe I should sell it…”

“Whatever you want, sweetheart. It’s yours to do with as you please. Just let me know, and I’ll make whatever arrangements you need.” I took her hand and gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Whatever makes you happy.”

She let out a tired laugh. “I’m not sure I remember what that feels like. But I really would like to see your house.”

“Then you will. Tomorrow.”


“I’m more than happy to include Shaw.” I didn’t care if her best friend came or not. I just wanted to take care of Violet and the baby, and right then, it seemed as if getting them away from the house where Remington died was the best way to do that.

“She’s got a busy schedule the next few weeks,” Violet said after a moment. “I was just making sure I wouldn’t be causing any issues for you.”

I dropped my fork on my plate. “Issues? How would you cause me any issues? I want you to come home with me.”

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