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Loving Violet (Rockers' Legacy Book 4)

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That gave me pause. “Then what did you mean, babe?” I asked as I reached for her.

“I meant…any woman you’ve ever slept with.”

“I had one drunken night that ruined everything,” I told her honestly. “There hasn’t been anyone else.”

“R-really?” she gasped. “Not even—”

“They weren’t you, Vi,” I breathed against her ear as I lowered my head to kiss her shoulder. “I wasn’t about to fuck up again. Even if you weren’t mine, I couldn’t do anything that might cost me a second chance.”


I stroked my fingers down her spine and felt her tremble. “I know we weren’t each other’s firsts like we always said we would be, but we can be each other’s lasts.”

“I-I really like the sound of that,” she murmured softly. She trailed her index finger down my chest and over my abs. As she explored my body with nothing but that tormenting fingertip, I tried to hold on to what was left of my control. “I’ve always wanted to touch you like this. It hurt me every time you stopped me.”

“I’m sorry, baby, but trust me, it hurt me just as much.” I caught her hand and lifted it to my lips. I kissed her finger and then sucked it into my mouth, causing her to whimper in need. “I promise you, starting right now, you can touch me whenever and however you want. I will never, not ever, stop you again.”


I grasped each side of her panties and ripped them, causing the material to fall onto the bed between her legs. “I fucking promise,” I growled and cupped her dripping pussy.



The sweetest giggle I’d ever heard was right outside my bedroom door, and I snuggled deeper into my pillow as I heard her running feet followed by Luca’s heavier steps.


, Love Bug. We want to surprise Mommy, right?”

“Un-huh, Da-da. Un-huh!” she shouted then giggled again when Luca laughed at what she considered a whisper.

Not two seconds later, the bedroom door opened, and Love Bug ran to my side of the bed. I kept my eyes closed, letting her think I was still sleeping as she waited for Luca to help her up onto our bed. She’d been walking since she was nine months old, and ever since she took her first step, she’d been going at full speed, pausing only long enough to sleep.

And even then, I’d found her asleep standing up a few times.

“Mom-my!” Love Bug shouted as she started jumping on the mattress beside me. “Mom-my!”

I blinked my eyes open and pretended to be surprised when I saw her standing over me, while behind her, Luca stood with a tray full of enough breakfast food for the three of us and juice. “Good morning, Love,” I greeted.

She threw herself into my arms and smacked a kiss on my cheek before snuggling against my chest. But as she did, I felt something in her hand and frowned. I hadn’t noticed her holding anything, but she kept shoving something against me and I sat up so I could see what it was.

Giggling, she offered me the little velvet box again. Heart pounding, I lifted my gaze to Luca, who just stood there watching us, anxiety making his eyes swirl with different shades of brown. “Wh-what’s this?” I whispered, trying to swallow the knot that was suddenly choking me.

Luca placed the tray on the end of the bed and then lifted our daughter into his arms. “Why don’t you open it and see?” he instructed before Love Bug squished his cheeks together playfully and rubbed her nose against his.

He was her favorite person in the world, second to no one. Remi Thornton was a spoiled little daddy’s girl, and she knew it. She had Luca wrapped so tight around her finger that the first sign of her tears, and he was ready to murder whoever had caused her sadness. I didn’t even care that she would rather be held by him than me, because I knew she loved me just as much. Daddy was just her favorite of the two of us.

My eyes lowered back to the little box, and I felt a tear spill over my lashes. Love Bug’s birthday was tomorrow. She was going to be one year old, and I had to admit the past year had been perfect. We hadn’t talked about marriage, but we hadn’t really needed to. Luca and I were together, forever. Everyone who knew us understood that. No one had questioned if we were just playing house or if this was the real thing. All they had to do was look at the three of us together to understand we were a family.

Fingers trembling, I lifted the top of the box, and two more tears spilled over when I saw the beautiful oval diamond sitting inside. It was nothing like the ring Remington had given me, but that was what made it so special. It wasn’t what I would have ever thought to pick out for myself, yet it was absolutely perfect.

Luca sat on the bed beside me and placed Love Bug on the floor. “Remember when your parents were here a few weeks ago?” Blinking back tears, I lifted my eyes to him and nodded. “I asked Uncle Shane if I could marry you during that visit.”

My eyes widened. “I’m kind of scared to ask how that went.”

He grinned. “It was agony, babe. He made me wait a whole day before giving me an answer. I would have asked you then and there, but the ring was still being made.” He took the box from me and pulled out the beautiful ring. The light caught it, making it glitter like the tears that kept pouring down my face. “I was going to wait. Make asking you something really special, but when it was delivered this morning, I couldn’t. I’ve waited a lifetime to put an engagement ring on your finger.” Taking my hand, he carefully slid it into place. “And I can’t wait another minute.”

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