Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4) - Page 4

“That’s what our manager tells us,” I told her with a shrug.

Considering our manager was Emmie Armstrong, I was fairly sure I could believe her, and she wasn’t just blowing smoke up our asses so she could ride the coattails of our rising success. It was still a little surreal that the most sought-after manager in the business wanted to represent us. Emmie would help us get to the top—and get us there as fast as possible in the rock world.

“We were going to head out for something to eat,” Peyton said, her tone enticing.

Ignoring her, I kept my eyes on Roanna. “Where are you going to eat?”

Pink filled her cheeks, but she didn’t answer, keeping her eyes downcast. Aubree touched a hand to her shoulder, making her flinch, and then answered for her. “We were thinking pizza. Want to come with us?”

Look at me, I commanded silently, willing Roanna to look at me and not at the floor. I needed her eyes on me, and I didn’t even understand why. A full minute passed, but she never lifted her eyes once. Mentally cursing, I stood, not wanting to make her uncomfortable when she should have been celebrating. “Nah. I’ve got somewhere to be. You have fun though, ladies.”

As I walked out the door, I glanced back and caught Roanna watching me walk away. For a second, our gazes locked, and it felt like I was suddenly drowning in the need to hear her voice again. Just one more damn time.

“Goodnight, Roanna,” I murmured.

“G-Goodnight,” she whispered, but it was all I needed.

Winking, I closed the door behind me and walked away.

Back at the bar, I ordered a beer, pushing all thoughts of Roanna and her hypnotic voice from my head. The brown bottle was set in front of me just as a hand touched my arm, sharp nails climbing upward. Looking down, I found Peyton had followed me.

Disgusted with her, I shook off her touch. “Get lost,” I told her, my voice cold.

“I was on my way out. Thought you might want to see our apartment. Maybe check out how soft my mattress is,” she purred as she moved in closer.

I picked up my beer and walked away. Jace and Kin were on their way upstairs, so I followed them. On the VIP floor, I searched the crowd and found my bandbrother and his girlfriend sitting on one of the leather couches, talking to Harris.

I dropped down beside the beautiful redhead, taki

ng a handful from the bag of trail mix she offered.

“We don’t have to go back to my place.”

Smothering a groan, I looked up to find Peyton had followed me yet again. For fuck’s sake, she was a clinger.

She sat down on the arm of the couch beside me, taking my beer from me.

I heard Kin laugh. “Want me to get rid of her?” she offered.

“Fuck yes,” I muttered, tossing the last of the nuts and M&Ms into my mouth, chomping down on them to try to relieve some of my frustration with the chick now drinking my beer. But I knew she wouldn’t follow through. Kin liked to squeeze me by the balls metaphorically whenever she got the chance.

Seeing I was watching her swallow my drink, Peyton offered it back. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“Keep it,” I bit out. “Hard to tell where that mouth has been. Don’t want a case of herpes.”

Jace snickered, and Kin slapped my arm, hissing at me to, “Play nice, douchebag.” Whatever the hell that meant. She knew me well enough to know I didn’t play nice with anyone—ever—with the exception of Kassa.

“Don’t talk to my staff like that, dude,” Harris warned, but the three of us could tell it was halfhearted. These days, that was about as close to showing emotion as Harris came. His breakup with Lucy Thornton seemed to have sucked the life right out of him.

Peyton didn’t seem to understand that he was only making noise because he was supposed to, not necessarily because he wanted to, and went straight from me to Harris. Thank you, Jesus. I nearly sighed with relief when she stood up and went to sit closer to her new boss.

Girl was a freak, all clingy and unable to take a hint. She was going to be a problem, I could just tell that about her. Let Harris deal with her kind of crazy. I wanted nothing to do with her.

Especially when it was Roanna I couldn’t get out of my head.

Chapter 3


Tags: Terri Anne Browning Tainted Knights Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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