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Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4)

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My reaction was exactly the same as all the other times I’d seen her do that.

I wanted to knock their asses out and leave them on the ground for the rest of the crowd to stomp on.

Kassa standing between Gray and me had Roanna flinching, but the reaction was so minuscule, I wasn’t even sure I actually saw it. Her smile returned as if nothing had happened, but she didn’t look down at us again for the rest of the set. Instead, she focused on the crowd beyond the range of the light.

Not liking that she wouldn’t even glance my way, I got more and more pissed with every song she sang, playing up to the crowd but completely ignoring me. I wanted all of her attention for myself, wanted those smiles to be mine alone, wanted her words to be directed at me and no one else.

Kassa threw her arms around me, and it was only then I realized just how tense I’d become. “You okay?” she yelled so I could hear her, those blue eyes of hers full of worry. “Did someone piss you off? You look like you want to kill someone.”

I gave her a one-armed hug in return, shaking my head. “I’m good.”

“Liar,” she said with an adorable pout.

“Kas,” Gray pulled her away from me, placing her directly in front of him.

I laughed at the possessive way he blocked her in. He, of all people, should know I would never touch Kassa like his dirty mind was imagining. Kassa was safe with me, and I’d more than proven that when we were kids. She was more like a sister to me than anything else, and I loved that girl.

The last song came to an end, and the lights went down while the band left the stage. I made a path, going after Roanna as she headed for the green room. But at the entrance to the hall, there were two new security guys blocking my path.

“No way, man,” the guy to my left said, putting his hand on my shoulder. “No one but personnel past this point.”

“Fuck that,” I told him, shrugging off his hold. “No one’s stopped me before. Ask Harris if it’s okay that I go back there. He will vouch for me.”

“The boss isn’t here tonight. On vacation for the next few weeks.”

Damn, I’d forgotten about that. Harris was chasing after Lucy, trying to get her back. “Then ask Tiny. He knows me.”

The two men gave each other “yeah, right” looks, but the one on the right spoke into his communication device after asking my name. Moments later, they moved aside, letting me through.

There were two more guys outside the green room, but they knew me. One knocked on the door as I approached, then opened it for me as I came closer.

Walking in, I found all five Blondes changing. Most of them were already in jeans but still shirtless. My gaze barely skimmed over their faces until I found Roanna. My palms began to sweat when I realized she was the one with the least amount of clothes on. In only her bra and panties, she stood frozen with her T-shirt in her hand as she stared coldly at me.

There was a birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon on her left breast and a small mole right between her tits. Other than those two marks, the rest of her body was flawless as far as I could see. Her stomach was flat with just the hint of abs. Her thighs were slightly thick, but I liked that. It would give me a little cushion when I was between those killer legs.

I licked my lips, aching to kiss every inch of skin showcased to me.

“Oh, it’s just you,” Genesis sneered from across the room. “Did you want something?”

I didn’t take my eyes off Roanna. “The guys and I are hanging out upstairs. You should come join us. Jace’s sister got to town not long ago, and I’d like to introduce you.”

“The hottie blonde with you tonight is Jace’s sister?” Aubree asked. “Gray was all over her.”

“He was?” Roanna murmured, finally pulling her shirt over her head and reaching for her jeans.

“Yeah. Sparks are definitely flying from those two,” the drummer said with a laugh.

My eyes were glued to Roanna as she slipped into her jeans. “You should come upstairs. Later, we can get something to eat.”

Her hair fell into her face as she bent to pull on her shoes. “We’ll think about it,” she said vaguely. “Right now, we need to hydrate. My throat is on fire.”

“Yeah, we’ll think about it,” London growled. “See you later, asshole.”

I ignored her and moved so I was in front of Roanna when she straightened. Pushing the hair back from her face, she stiffened at my nearness, and I wanted to punch something. That night in her apartment, she’d let her guard down. But now it was back up, and her walls were higher and stronger than ever.

Fuck, I shouldn’t have pussied out after that night.

“You should come hang with us,” I told her, keeping my tone soft and gentle, trying to show her there was no reason for her to be afraid of me. “You won’t regret it.”

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