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Tainted Bastard (Tainted Knights 4)

Page 41

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“Most likely, miss. This one—” he nodded toward the three, but I didn’t look to see which one he was indicating “—is some judge’s grandson. Or so he keeps saying.”

“I don’t give two fucks who his granddaddy is,” Emmie snarled. “If she wants to press charges, I will personally make sure they stick.”

“But then they will press charges against Sin,” I protested.

She shrugged. “Probably. It wouldn’t be his first arrest, though, and I’d have him out in an hour.”

“No,” I said, putting the cup down and standing. “I won’t press charges if they swear not to press charges against Sin.”

“Ro, don’t fucking worry about me. I’ll be fine.” He cupped my elbows, looking down at me with searching eyes. “I have Emmie to get me out of this. They won’t be able to do much anyway because there’s video proof I was saving you.”

“I don’t care.” Tears filled my eyes, and I wasn’t able to blink them back before one spilled over. “I can’t stand the idea of you going to jail.”

“Ah, sweet girl,” he groaned, pulling me against him. I felt his lips kissing my hair, heard his deep inhalation. His breath made me shiver as it brushed over my ear when he blew it out. “Whatever she wants, Emmie. I’ll stand behind her choice,” he told her resignedly.

The room was quiet for a long moment with the exception of one of the three preppies groaning like he was dying. Probably the one who needed stitches. He’d been nothing but a whining little pussy ever since the other guards brought them in.

Finally, Emmie spoke up, but her voice was so full of frozen rage it freaked me out a little. The fire-breather was spitting ice at everyone in her path now, and that was scary as fuck. “Fine,” she said. “But I want their names, phone numbers, and addresses. She may change her mind. There’s no time frame for her to press charges if she does, right?”

“There is a two-year statute of limitations on assault,” someone told her.

“I want their information.”

“Ma’am, we can’t give you—”

“Dude, just make it easier on yourself and give her whatever she wants,” Nik Armstrong advised from where he was leaning against the wall by the door. “I’m tired, and I’ve got to be at the studio by eight in the morning to start laying down tracks for a new album. You’ll be making my life easier, and hopefully, you won’t see her again. If you’re lucky.”

“We can’t just give her personal information, Mr. Armstrong. That’s a violation of privacy.”

“That girl won’t press charges against me anyway,” one of the preppies snarked. “She shouldn’t have been coming on to us if she didn’t want—”

“Baby girl, get this shit dealt with before I end up being the one arrested,” Nik snapped.

“Just his name,” Emmie told the cops. “You would have to give me that much anyway if we wanted to file a restraining order. Give it to me, and we can be out of your hair.”

I heard a piece of paper being torn. “Here,” someone said. “That’s all three of their names. Take it with my blessing.”

I lifted my head and met Sin’s eyes. “Can we go now?” I choked out.

“Of course.” He glanced at Emmie over my head. “You got this?”

“You know I do. I’ll be in touch.”

Linking his fingers through mine, he walked me out of the security room and through the cinema. Outside, the cops’ two cruisers were parked right in front of the building. A camera flashing a few feet away had me gasping in surprise as the paps made themselves known, and Sin tucked my head down as we walked to his car.

It wasn’t until we were in traffic that I began to relax a little.

His hand clasped mine as he stopped for a red light. “You okay?”

I shrugged. “I am now.”

“I’m sorry, Ro. I never should have left you.” He exhaled with frustration. “I should have gone with you.”

“This isn’t your fault,” I rushed to assure him. “We both needed to go to the bathroom, and it wasn’t like you could go with me. They were waiting when I came out.”

“You should press charges.”

“Not happening.”

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