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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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She grinned. “Sounds like a date. Riley is making all the plans as we speak.”

I grasped her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thanks, Amara. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through the last few months without you beside me to keep me straight.”

She hugged me again. “Just remember you’re not alone, babe. I’m here anytime you need me.” Stepping back, she squeezed my shoulders. “Now, deep breath. Suck it up and put all the feels into your music. You got this. You’re going to be a motherfucking rock star.”

For the first time all day, my excitement was enough to push down thoughts of Jace. “Yeah.” I nodded, feeling the confidence filling me, and straightened my shoulders with determination. “Yeah, you’re right. Fuck Jace. Let’s do this.”

Chapter 10


After spending most of the morning in the studio letting Shane work his magic on my demos, I was exhausted. Forgoing lunch, I went back to my new apartment for a nap, knowing I wouldn’t be able to go out later if I didn’t get some rest.

The sound of slamming doors pulled me out of a deep sleep hours later. Groaning, I searched blindly for my phone. Pulling it close to my face, I saw it was after six.

“Shit,” I groaned as I noticed the many texts on my phone’s screen. I must have turned off the ringer.

Ignoring the few from Jace from a number I didn’t recognize, I shot Lucy a reply, telling her I would meet her at the club Amara and her friend told me about earlier. My stomach was growling hungrily, so I grabbed a shawl to pull over my pajama shorts and tank top before walking out to the kitchen.

Rubbing my grumbling stomach, I walked barefoot through the apartment.

“Holy shit, you mean the new roomie actually exists?” an amused feminine voice asked from my left. “I was seriously starting to think there was a ghost living i

n Lindsey’s old room. I was cool with that, though. I mean, if the ghost can afford a third of the rent, I don’t mind being haunted.”

A grin teasing at my lips, I ran my eyes over my apparent new roommate. She was small and curvy. Her chic bob was dyed jet black and made her blue eyes even more striking, especially with her golden tan. Her full lips were tilted up in a half smirk as she walked around the kitchen in shorts so tiny the cheeks of her ass half hung out. Her top barely covered her flat, toned stomach. When she turned her back, I saw that the material was shredded, revealing a single peacock feather tattoo inked along the length of her spine.

“Not a ghost,” I assured her as I opened the fridge, pulling out the jug of orange juice. “But sometimes I feel like I’m dying, so don’t be surprised if one day I suddenly start floating through walls.”

“I’m Riley,” she introduced.

“Kin.” Finding the cabinet with glasses, I pulled one out and poured the juice.

“If you’re hungry, I just ordered some pizza. Me and Mar are going out later, but you’re welcome to come with.”

My brain was still fogged with sleep, so it took me a few seconds to put everything together. “Wait…” I groaned and dropped my head, shaking it as a grin lifted my lips. “Of course.”

“What?” Riley asked, twisting the lid off a beer.

“Aunt Emmie,” I told her with a laugh. “You’re Riley.”

She looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Uh, yeah. I just said that.”

“No, I mean you are Amara’s Riley. Riles. Yeah, that’s what she calls you.” Shaking my head again, I held out my hand. “I’m Kin Montez.”

Her eyes widened with surprise and maybe a little fear. “I thought you looked familiar. You’ve really been holed up in the backwoods of nowhere with Mar?” I nodded. “Then who the hell has been coming and going the last few months? Someone has been in this apartment.”

“That would be my stepsister, Angie. Aunt Emmie set everything up, but Angie decided to move in with her girlfriend and give me the room,” I explained. “Don’t worry. There wasn’t really a ghost roaming the apartment the last few months.”

Relief flashed in her piercing blue eyes. “Thank fuck for that. Well, it’s good to meet you. Mar has told me about you.”

“Where is she anyway?” I asked, glancing toward the living room.

“Napping. She had a run-in with Cash’s grandmother earlier, and it drained her.”

My lips twisted in sympathy for her. I remembered his grandmother well from the few times I’d met her. Even Angie was a little afraid of the old woman. “Doris Mathias will do that to anyone. Is she okay?”

“Seems to be, just tired.”

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