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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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Everyone seemed to know each other already, which felt weird to me. I was just meeting Riley, yet she was pulled into the Blondes like she was one of their besties. Amara and Riley met them the same day Jace and I broke

up, so it was I who suddenly felt left out, having missed so much the past four months.

That feeling quickly faded as we all got drinks in us—minus the two pregnant women. We had a private corner of the VIP floor to ourselves, roped off with a few extra security guys and Marcus standing over us like we were royalty or some shit. That was the way it was whenever Lucy ever went anywhere without Harris, though, and I knew the extra security was something he must have set up when Lucy told him she was going out with us.

While Lucy and Amara caught up, talking everything baby, I let the others pull me out onto the dance floor. Already three drinks in, I was tipsy and gave the music control of my body, letting myself go. Surrounded by my friends, I felt carefree for the first time in months.

The dance floor quickly filled up, making it crowded and impossible to dance without bumping into the others around us. A chick drunk off her ass bumped hard into Jenna and Angie. Since I was dancing so close to my stepsister, I got pushed back a little and felt myself start to fall.

Strong arms caught me before my ass could hit the floor, righting me. Breathless from the near-miss, I turned around to thank my rescuer and squealed when I saw it was Nate. “What are you doing here?” I asked, throwing my arms around him.

“I’m out with friends. My buddy just got engaged, so I took the night off and came to celebrate with them.” He gave me a brief hug and pulled back, his eyes scanning my friends before pausing on Riley.

Hiding my grin, I watched his eyes eat up the sight of her. Of all of us, Riley was probably the most beautiful, yet I wasn’t the least bit jealous of her. In a dress that barely covered her ass and gave more than an eyeful of her assets, every eye in the club was glued to her.

“What did I say about leaving your apartment dressed like that?”

I nearly choked in surprise at the possessive note in Nate’s voice. He was so nice, so laid-back. Even when he was frustrated at work, I’d never heard him use that tone. It was all growly and full of dark promises.

Riley glared up at him. “You don’t own me, asshole,” she snarled before turning her back on him and flipping him off. Without another word, she stomped over to the bar.

“Ladies, excuse me,” Nate gritted out and followed after her.

“Holy shit,” I said when he was out of earshot, my eyes following him to the bar where he joined Riley. She was ordering, and when she went to pay, he was already placing a few bills in front of her. She turned, her face a mix of hate and lust, as she poked him in the chest while yelling at him. “When did Nate get all alpha? He’s like the sweetest guy on the planet.”

Kassa laughed. “It was about two seconds after Amara and Riley came into First Bass the first time. It was love at first sight, and he’s been all growly ever since.”

“Have they hooked up?”

“Not yet,” Aubree said. “But it’s only a matter of time. Her stubborn ass will give in eventually.”

Even as she was talking, Nate lifted Riley by the waist until she was eye level with him. Her feet kicked back and forth as much as the crowd at the bar would allow before she wrapped her legs around his waist. She snaked her arms around his neck, her fingers thrusting into his hair, and then she was kissing him.

“Well, there goes the first one of the night,” Jenna said with a snort. “Who do you think will be next, babe?” she asked Angie.

“Sin or Gray,” my stepsister predicted. “My money is on Sin, though.”

“Ours too,” the three Blondes chimed in with a laugh, while Roanna blushed and flipped them off.

Sweat running down my back, I told the others I needed to take a bathroom break. Angie and Santana went to sit with Lucy, while Jenna decided to come with me when the others stayed to dance. The line for the bathroom was long, like always, but Jenna was easy to talk to, so the time passed quickly.

“How is Carolina?” she asked as she came out of her stall and joined me at the sink to wash her hands. “Angie hasn’t mentioned her much lately.”

My brows drew together as I thought about my other stepsister. “You know, I haven’t really heard anything from her lately. I guess college is kicking her ass. Thanks for reminding me. I need to call her soon and check in.”

“She likes Virginia Tech?”

I shrugged. “Last time I spoke to her, she seemed to like it.” I pulled a few paper towels from the dispenser and wiped my hands. “Her mom was still giving her a hard time for choosing an East Coast school, though. But Caro is happier away from her and Georgia and my dad. That was why she took all those extra-credit classes so she could graduate a year early.”

“I’m sure Caleb is checking in on her regularly.” Jenna’s brow was puckered as she held the door open for me. “He hasn’t come to visit Angie much the last few months, though. She’s been missing him.”

“He’s been busy with work,” I excused for him, but I wondered if there was another reason my stepbrother hadn’t been making regular trips to the West Coast to visit his twin like he’d done in the past. Normally, he would fly out at least twice a month, more if his work schedule permitted it. But from what Angie had told me recently, he hadn’t been out in more than six weeks.

Instead of going back to the dance floor or returning to our seats, Jenna and I went over to the bar to get another drink. There was no sign of Riley or Nate, so I could only assume they’d left—or were in the alley out back.

The bar had gotten busier, so it took a while before we could even place our order. Jenna ordered for both of us, a beer each for her and Angie and a rum punch for me. As we waited, I people-watched. Friday nights were always crazy busy, no matter how good or bad the club was. The one we were at was one of the more popular ones, but not nearly as upscale as First Bass.

Still, there were plenty of celebrities to watch on the VIP floor with us.

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