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Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5)

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By the time I got to the apartment building in West Hollywood, Kin was still sitting in Derrick’s car. I turned off my headlights and parked, watching them. After talking for a few more minutes, she got out and waved as she walked toward the front entrance.

Holding my breath, I waited until she was inside before getting out and going in after her. She was already on the elevator, and I watched to see which floor it stopped on before following up after her. Once I was on her floor, I called her, straining to listen for the rings until I finally found the right apartment.

I lifted my hand to knock on her door, but I was too disgusted with myself to face her right then. Shit, I really had lost my mind. I’d stalked her all the way home. I was being selfish yet again.

Pissed off at myse

lf, I went home, but I couldn’t sleep. She didn’t invite Derrick up. That had to mean something. She wasn’t ready to move on from me. I should have been happy, but my mind wouldn’t be at ease.

I needed to see her, fix this once and for all.

Around dawn, my brain finally shut off, and I was able to grab a few hours of sleep.

Once I woke up, I threw back the covers, took a shower, and then grabbed some breakfast, noticing it was getting close to lunchtime. Hoping Kin was up and finally would be ready to talk, I drove back to West Hollywood.

Knocking on her door, I waited. Whoever her roommates were, they weren’t answering, and neither was she. I tried calling her, but like always, she wouldn’t answer. Cursing, I pounded on the door one more time.

Hearing footsteps, my heart started racing. Maybe she’d just been in the shower…

The door opened, and everything inside of me turned to ice. Nate stood before me, eyes closed, rubbing a hand over his bare chest. The only thing he had on was a pair of boxers, and they looked like they’d just been tossed on.

“Motherfucker!” I roared, losing my mind as jealousy and possessiveness clouded my eyes in a red haze. His eyes were still closed, so he didn’t see my punch coming straight at his face.

Nate’s head jerked from the force of my blow, and he stumbled back a step before he was able to find his footing once again. His eyes were wide open now, his gaze feral as he charged at me. We were both throwing punches as we landed on the floor, half in the apartment, half in the corridor.

“I’m going to rip your fucking head off!” I shouted, twisting and flipping him so I could beat the living hell out of him. I’d always known he had a thing for Kin. He was constantly flirting with her, hugging her. Now he thought I was out of the way, and he could have a go at her?

Fuck that. Fuck him.

She was mine.

“What the hell?” Someone growled above us, seconds before I was being dragged off Nate. I struggled, but the guy put me in a headlock, and suddenly my throat was being blocked by a thick arm. “You two idiots are ruining my day off, you know that?” the guy holding me snarled. “How’s a man supposed to get any sleep if you’re causing all this noise?”

Nate jerked to his feet, holding his ribs. His lip was bleeding, and there was a big red spot on his jaw that was going to bruise. I struggled harder despite not being able to breathe, wanting to finish the fucker off.

“You,” my capturer snapped at Nate. “What’s your name?”


“What are you doing here, son? This isn’t your apartment. I know the girls who live here, and I ain’t ever seen you before.”

“My girlfriend lives here.”

I kicked out at the cop, ready to end Nate once and for all. “No,” I choked out. “My girlfriend lives here.”

“Shut up, Jace,” Nate told me, his voice hard, but he was calming down. “You stupid fuck, you don’t even know—”

“She’s mine, do you hear me? Kin is mine. You can’t fucking have her.”

The arm around my neck tightened. “Shut up, the both of you. I’m calling the super, and then you two are going downtown.”

Which was how I ended up in a holding cell thirty minutes later. Nate sat in the one directly beside mine, glaring off into space, his arms folded over his chest. The neighbor who broke up our fight turned out to be a cop and was too pissed we woke him up to let us go with a warning.

I’d already made my phone call, which hadn’t been pleasant. Emmie busted my balls during our call, and I wasn’t looking forward to having to deal with her when she showed up.

The sound of a buzzer alerted us that someone was coming just as the door opened and Emmie stormed in. But it was the sight of Kin that had me on my feet. The two redheads stopped in front of our two cells. I was expecting the pissed-off look on Emmie’s face, but Kin was seething as she met my gaze.


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