Tainted Forever (Tainted Knights 5) - Page 87

Her shoulders began to tremble, and I was ready for her to shake her head, to tell me no, while the crowd was chanting for her to “say yes, say yes, say yes.” This wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what she really wanted. Maybe she didn’t want to marry me at all. Maybe I fucked all that up when I broke her heart. Maybe—

“Yes!” she screamed into her own microphone as she threw her arms around me and started kissing me.

My heart suddenly felt like it was exploding with relief and happiness, and I kissed her back. Grinning like a fool, I pulled back long enough to put the ring on her finger, and then I was kissing her again.

It was only when Wroth nudged me with his foot that I came back to my senses. I stood, taking her with me, and faced the crowd. “Thank God she said yes. I was about to die if she didn’t.” They all screamed in reaction.

Kin pressed her face into my chest, but I turned her to face the other side of the stage, where Lucy, Angie, Caleb, Carolina, Carter, and Scott were all standing. More tears spilled from her eyes as she screamed in delight and ran over to hug them.

She wrapped her arms around Angie first, Caleb folding his arms around the both of them. I waved to the crowd and joined them just as Carter was stepping back from hugging Kin.

Scott stood there, watching, waiting his turn. As soon as Carolina released her, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his daughter in his arms and kiss her cheek. She hugged him back, laughing and crying all at the same time.

“I didn’t know you guys were coming tonight,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“We wouldn’t miss your first live show,” Lucy told her, wrapping her arms around her for the second time but not letting go this time. “You were so good out there, babe. I’m so proud of you.”

“But you were all so busy. And Lucy, you have Hayat to think about.”

Lucy put her hand over her best friend’s mouth. “Harris has her back at the hotel. She’s fine. I wasn’t going to miss this. Especially when Jace told us he was proposing tonight.”

Kin’s gaze met mine, and I stepped in beside her as the roadies started clearing away her things to prep for the Blonde Bombshells’ set. “You arranged for them all to be here to see you propose?”

I lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, not letting her see just how scared I’d been. “I knew you would want them to be here.”

“What if I’d said no?” she whispered, her eyes huge with wonder.

“I had faith that you would give me a yes,” I lied, and I knew she understood.

I’d put everything on the line tonight. She could have said no and walked away, and I still would have gotten up and followed after her, still would have tried again. And again. And again.

“I love you,” she cried.

“Baby, I love you too.”



Three years later

I adjusted the bride’s veil and then picked up the bouquet of flowers her groom had pushed into my hands earlier to give to her.

Beside her, Riley was making last-minute adjustments to Amara’s makeup, wanting to make sure she was perfect before her best friend had to walk down the aisle to marry her besotted husband-to-be.

In her adorable little flower girl dress, their daughter, Charlotte, was dancing around, showing everyone just how prettily her skirt floated around her legs. “Look at me, Auntie Kin! Look at this!”

I crouched down in front of her, a beaming smile on my lips. “You are gorgeous. Are you ready to show Daddy your dress?”

She nodded, her dark-blond hair swinging over her shoulder. “Can I? Please, Mommy?”

Amara grinned down at her. “Go on. Give Daddy a kiss for me, okay?”

Clapping her hands with excitement, Charlotte ran to the door, and I hurried after her. Across the hall was the groom’s room, and she was already knocking on the door. Caleb opened the door, his eyes skimming over me and then his goddaughter before stepping back.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Charlotte squealed as she raced into the room, twirling the whole way. “Look at my pretty dress.”

Cash swooped down and scooped her up, kissing her cheek until she giggled for him to release her. “You look so beautiful, I might cry, Charlotte bug.”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Tainted Knights Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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