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Sweet Agony (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 2)

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Thankfully, Flick had been gone to pick up Nova from a friend’s house, and Garret had been next door when my uncle’s henchmen had driven the van into the house. Raven and Lexa were both in the kitchen and not the living room, or things might have gone a hell of a lot differently.

No one said anything where I could hear them, but their strained, hushed whispers told me they were discussing me and who the rat Lexa had mentioned could be. All I could think was that I’d brought this evil into their lives. Because of me, Lexa and Raven could have been killed. Monroe and Willa, too.

All I brought with me were trouble and danger. No wonder no one cared about me.

Eventually, things began to quiet down, the blood-soaked carpet was rolled up and removed, and the cops left, along with Ben and Lexa. Mila came to sit with me and, soon after, her brother, Maverick. Mila turned on the television to some weird reality show I’d never heard of before, but apparently she couldn’t not watch because Monroe had called her asking for cliff notes on the night’s episode.

Max, Lexa’s brother, joined us around nine, but by then, I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. My entire body ached, and I felt so tired, it was all I could do not to fall asleep sitting up. But I didn’t know where I would be sleeping, and I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone by asking for a bed on which to lie down. Especially when I’d caused so much trouble already.

More hours passed, more mindless TV watched, and I was trying in vain to stay awake.

But then I heard his voice, and everything inside me woke up instantly.

Turning my head, I looked over at the front door to find Theo walking into the house, five men I vaguely recognized as security for his family behind him. His face was tense, but when he saw me, it relaxed somewhat.

“Are you hurt?” he asked in a raspy voice.

I turned my gaze back to the television. “We both know you don’t care, so why bother asking?”

“Tavia…” His voice was strained. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I thought…” He trailed off, and I didn’t care enough to know what he’d stopped himself from saying. “If you’re uninjured, I would like to take you home.”

That caught my attention. I jerked to my feet, grimacing when my muscles protested and locked for a moment before I turned to face him. “And just where is that? Huh? I don’t have a home, Theo. I have a dorm room where I sleep and study. I don’t have anything or anyone who cares if I live or die. So where exactly do you want to take me?”

“No one who cares if you live or die?” he repeated, his face darkening. “Everyone who meets you can’t help but love you, krasotka. You are more precious to me than any other person in the world.”

“Whatever. I’m not going to stand here and argue with you. Just take me back to New York so I can return to my classes.” Folding the blanket I’d been huddled under all evening, I placed it on the couch beside Mila, who was watching Theo and me just as avidly as she’d watched her reality shows all night. “Please tell your sister and mom I’m so sorry for what happened. I hope they don’t hate me too much for causing them so much trouble.”

Mila stood, her warm hands clasping mine and squeezing. “None of this was your fault. I overheard Uncle Bash saying earlier they have a rat who must have been feeding that Petrov jerk-off intel. If they hadn’t, no one would have even known you were here. So, this is on them, not you.” She wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight hug. “Don’t be a stranger, Tavia. You were fun to hang out with, and I don’t say that about just anyone. Monroe and I will both miss you.”

I squeezed her back before turning and walking past Theo. But when I reached the door, his five goons stood in my way, blocking my exit.

Frustrated, I glared at Theo over my shoulder. “Well?”

Jaw clenching, he crossed to me. “Don’t you want to say goodbye to Raven?”

No. I wanted to stay there with Raven forever. She’d taken such good care of me, made me feel like I mattered, and for a moment in time, I’d felt like I belonged somewhere. But I’d already caused her so much trouble. She’d had to shoot someone—maybe more than one someone—for me already. I didn’t want to face her and see the condemnation in her green eyes.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head and pushed through the thugs in suits to walk outside. But instead of staying inside with Theo, they followed me out into the chilly early morning darkness. A huge SUV sat at the end of the driveway, and I knew right away it was Theo’s.

Wrapping my arms around myself to fight off the cold, I walked toward it, keeping my head down because I was too ashamed to look at anyone.


My shoulders tensed at the sound of Raven’s voice. I stopped, but I couldn’t make myself turn to look at her. Tears burned my eyes because I was going to miss her, but I couldn’t continue to put her family at risk. Sure, Adas was dead, but did that mean no one else would want to kill me? Were there other people in the Petrov family who would want me dead?

Soft hands touched my bare arms as she turned me to face her. The streetlight cast her face in shadows, but I could still tell her eyes were narrowed. “You don’t have to go, sweetheart. You’re family now. Stay.”

I lowered my lashes, trying to hide my tears, but one snuck out and ran down my cheek. “I can’t,” I whispered. “I’ve already put you and your wonderful family in enough danger as it is. Th-thank you for taking such good care of me. I… I’ll never forget anything you did for me, Raven.”

Her arms enfolded me in a warm hug, her hands stroking over my hair how I imagined a mother would her child’s. “If you really want to go, I won’t make you stay. But always remember that you have a place here with us if you ever need or want to come back. You’re mine now, Tavia. I claimed you. That means you’re a part of this family forever.”

Two more tears fell, and I pressed my face into her shoulder. “Th-thank you so much,” I choked out, trying to hold back a sob.

Pulling back, she stroked her thumb over my damp cheek. “I’m only a phone call away. If you need anything, don’t hesitate. I’ll pick up, no matter what time of day or night it is.”

The lump in my throat wouldn’t allow me to speak, so I nodded, and she smiled sadly. “Take care of yourself, sweetheart.”

With another hug, she released me, and I made a dash to the waiting SUV before I completely broke down.

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