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Sweet Agony (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 2)

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“And she told you the protocol? The safe room in Masterson’s house they’re supposed to stay in until help arrives?” Ryan nodded, and I stabbed my fingers through my hair in frustration before turning to Pops and Cristiano. “Who the fuck is listening in to your conversations?”

“Last week, someone at ball practice asked to use my phone because his died and he didn’t have a charger with him. He said he was calling his mom to make sure she knew when to pick him up after practice. I barely talk to the guy, but I didn’t think anything of it.” Ryan grimaced. “I should have known better, and I’m sorry. My ignorance put everyone in danger, including Nova.”

Cristiano put a hand on his son’s shoulder. “We know you didn’t mean for this to happen, Ryan. You have to be more careful in the future, though. Understand?”

“Yeah, Pop.” His brown eyes met mine. “I’m sorry, Theo.”

“It’s not like you did it on purpose, dude. You had no idea what was going on, and if you had, I know you wouldn’t have let it happen. Especially where Nova is concerned.” I looked at Pops and my uncle. “Does the MC know?”

“Ciro called Hannigan after Ryan told Anya what he thought happened. His man, Desi, is looking at the chip on the phone now. We will hopefully know more soon.” Cristiano nodded his head at the door. “We’re headed home, but I’ll let you both know more when I have the details.”

I watched them go then turned back to Pops. “With Petrov dead, is there anyone who would want to harm Tavia?”

“I’m looking into that too, son. But Viktor and Adas were the last of the Petrov line that I know of. With them both gone…” His brow furrowed. “You realize Tavia will inherit everything from both the Petrov and Bykov families, right? If you step in and take over the Petrov territories, manage everything for her, she will never want for anything.”

“She would never want for anything anyway, Pops. I’ll always make sure of that.”

Chapter 19


Waking up in strange beds seemed to be my new norm. As I opened my eyes, I wasn’t even surprised to find I was in a new room in a new house.

Having Theo’s mom standing at the foot of the bed smiling down at me, however, was a shock. I clenched my fingers in the soft material of the covers and quickly sat up, glancing around to try to figure out what time it was.

The thick drapes over the windows didn’t give a clue, but there was a digital clock on the nightstand that told me it was just after eight in the evening.

“I was starting to worry about you.” She picked up her phone, texting quickly. “Are you hungry? Thirsty? I’ve had our cook on standby for when you wake up. What would you like to eat?”

“I…” I frowned, unsure of how I was feeling just yet, as sleep still clouded my mind. I didn’t feel hungry, and while my mouth was parched, I wasn’t sure I wanted something to drink either.

More than anything, I just wanted to go back to my dorm and hide from Mrs. Volkov and the rest of the world.

“You’re probably feeling sticky after that long flight and the excitement of last night. Why don’t you take a shower while I go down and put you a tray together?” She lifted her gaze to mine and smiled again. “All of your things have already been put away, but if you can’t find something, just let me or Sofia know.”

“My…things?” I repeated, confused.

“Your clothes, toiletries, books, and everything else. I had Adrian go to your dorm and pack up all of your things since you will be staying here with us from now on.”

“What?” I pushed back the covers and started to stand, but Mrs. Volkov rushed around and pressed me back down with a firm hand.

“Easy, sweetheart. I don’t want you to hurt yourself moving around too quickly. You’re just starting to really heal.”

“I’m fine,” I gritted out, more than a little frustrated with her. “Mrs. Volkov, I can’t stay here. I don’t want to be a bother, and I’d much rather be in my dorm. Honestly, I’m better now, and I don’t need a nurse or a babysitter or—”

“Tavia, sweetheart, you’re staying here because you are dear to us, and I won’t have you all alone in that cold and lonely dorm with no one to care for you if you become ill.” She tenderly brushed my hair back from my face. “You are like one of my children. I care for you very much. Now, don’t argue. There’s no use in it anyway. I always get my way.” With a wink, she stepped back. “Now, you take that shower. I’ll be right back.”

Feeling like I’d just been hit by a whirlwind, I sat there gaping after the woman for several minutes. Finally shaking my head, I focused on getting up and doing as she suggested.

As she said, my toiletries were all in the bathroom, including a box of tampons. For some reason, I laughed at the sight of them, picturing Sofia’s dad packing up my bathroom and touching the very feminine box. Her dad was more than a little intimidating, so it amused me to think of him flushing pink while he handled my hygiene items.

Yet I knew he would have done it without complaint if his wife was the one who had asked him to. That was one thing I’d never wondered about when it came to the Volkovs. That man loved his wife so much, I didn’t question him jumping to do his wife’s bidding for the smallest of tasks.

The bathroom was gigantic with the toilet hidden behind a partial wall and a long vanity where even my toothbrush was waiting. The doors of the shower were a beautiful stained glass and the shower heads powerful enough to unknot the tightest of muscles. It was big enough for three people to stand in and still have room to move around easily. There was a clawfoot tub adjacent to the shower that I ached to sink into and soak for hours, but I couldn’t submerge myself until the medical tape over the incisions on my abdomen completely faded.

I took my time showering, the jets making me moan helplessly in pure nirvana. When I stepped out a long while later, there was a towel hanging beside the shower door along with a plush robe, and I realized Mrs. Volkov must have come in without my noticing.

I dried then wrapped the towel around my hair before putting on the robe. It was so soft and thick, I sighed with contentment, but I quickly told myself not to get used to this kind of luxury. I wasn’t going to be staying long, just until I could convince Mrs. Volkov I would be fine on my own, and then I would go back to the dorm.

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