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Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 4)

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When I opened my eyes, he was crouched in front of me, cupping my face in his hands. “You’re pale. What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

I grimaced. “I think I got up too fast. It’s nothing, just a little dizziness. Mila said she’s been having a lot of issues with her blood pressure dropping.”

“Sit right here,” he commanded. “I mean it. Don’t move…please.” He kissed my brow and stepped back. “I’ll be right back.”

I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but he looked more than a little pale himself, and my heart melted even more. For several minutes, I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling helpless as I waited for him to return.

When the door opened again, Dr. Khan was right behind him with his medical bag in hand. Blowing out a soft breath, I explained what had happened, and Dr. Khan took my blood pressure.

“It is on the low side,” he commented as he put his things away. “Mrs. Fontana, I need you to use extreme caution when you go from lying to sitting, but especially from sitting to standing. Sudden drops in blood pressure could make you lose consciousness and result in a fall, which could seriously harm you and the babies.”

“I know,” I muttered. “And I’ll be careful, I promise.”

“Could this blood pressure issue cause any other problems? Will it harm her or the babies?” Gian stood statue-still beside the doctor, his face gray and fists clenched tightly. “Should she be in a hospital?”

“No, no,” Dr. Khan said with a small smile. “I don’t see any reason to hospitalize Mrs. Fontana. As long as she doesn’t stand too quickly or have any sudden upsets, she should be just fine.”

“See?” I put my hand in Gian’s and entwined our fingers, trying to reassure him. “I’m fine. So, can I please get up and have a shower?”

He brought our joined hands to his mouth, kissing my knuckles. “Only if you allow me to assist you.”

Heat instantly burned through my body. What I was feeling must have shown in my eyes because his own darkened. “Only to help you,” he reaffirmed. “Dr. Khan has advised us not to make love for a little longer.”

I really needed to thank the doctor, because as long as he was telling Gian to hold off, then I would be able to restrain myself as well—I hoped. Which was a good thing. Sex would only cloud what I was feeling, and I needed as clear a head as I could keep around this man. It was better if we weren’t intimate again until I figured out what I wanted with him.

I loved him.

But I didn’t trust him.

What kind of relationship could we possibly have if I was constantly scared he was going to leave me and break my heart at any minute?

Dr. Khan excused himself, and Gian carried me into the bathroom. Setting me on my feet, he kept one arm around me as he adjusted the shower temperature and the intensity of the jets from a few angles. Once he was satisfied, he stripped me and then himself.

While I watched as inch after inch of his delicious body was exposed to my hungry eyes, I realized that even though the doctor was recommending we abstain, my body hadn’t gotten the memo.

Sweet heaven above, no man should ever look as good as mine.

I bit my lip as my gaze raked him from head to toe and back again, pausing for long moments during each trip on his rock-hard cock standing at full attention. Unable to stop myself, I wrapped my fingers around his hot, velvet hardness and stroked him from base to tip.

“Precious,” he groaned, his hand covering my own. “Please, my love. I’m only so strong.” He lowered his head and kissed my lips. “I want you so badly, Monroe. Don’t torment me with what I can’t have.”

With a pout, I released him. “I want you too. But I was bleeding yesterday, so we should really listen to the doctor’s suggestion.”

He pulled me under the spray and reached for the bottle of shampoo. “I promise, as soon as Khan says you are clear for lovemaking, I will spend hours making you come on my cock.” Kissing me again, he began to wash my hair. “Days,” he husked at my ear, and I shivered deliciously.

Chapter 18


I felt as if I were in a daze.

Dad was home from the hospital in Oregon, with strict instructions from his surgeon and Dr. Robertson to stay off his leg and allow himself to heal more. Like he would actually listen. Mom was trying her best to make him be good, but he was about as close to losing his mind over Monroe as I was. If it weren’t for River, I was sure Maverick would have already lost his. Mom was holding up the best, but that wasn’t saying much. She’d always been the strongest of the five of us, but she burst into tears about as often as I did, if not more.

My future in-laws and Aunt Emmie—as she instructed me to call her—were still in residence. But they understood we were going through some major shit, and other than stepping forward to help out when we needed them, they gave us our space. It had been three days since Gian Fucking Fontana took Monroe from us, and I was still walking around aimlessly.

It had been a productive three days, though. Aunt Emmie had given me an amazing gift by calling in her son-in-law, and I didn’t know how I was ever going to repay her.

I immediately saw why Barrick and Braxton were at the top of the security business. Those two knew exactly what they were doing, and they didn’t waste time finding out all they could about Gian Fontana. Not that it was easy. Fontana was an enigma. Very little was actually known about him.

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