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Surviving His Scars (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 4)

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I was so unused to Gian saying that word to me, I blinked up at him in surprise as I tossed a pair of pajamas into my overnight case.

All week, we’d stayed at the house he’d called home over the last few years. This was his base when he was protecting me, so he wouldn’t be too far away in case I happened to need him. It was a simple single-story with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a small kitchen. The place was clean and kind of bland, but he said I livened it up the last few days we’d been staying there.

Ugo stayed in one of the guest rooms, while Dr. Khan took the other, and an entire army of guards watched the house day and night, much as I imagined they had back in Tuscany.

“I wasn’t asking you,” I told him as I continued to pack my bag. I was going to my parents’ house for the night. Mila and I were both staying there tonight with a few others, having one last slumber party before we both got married the next day.

“I refuse to spend the night apart,” he said, and I nearly giggled at the pout I heard in his voice.

“G, it’s bad luck to see me before the wedding.” I walked into his arms and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his chin. “You can even send a handful of guards to watch over the house if it makes you feel better.”

“It’s not your safety I’m worried about. I know your dad and brother will be there. They will all protect you.” He slid his arms around my waist, and he rested his cheek on top of my head. “I can’t sleep without you, precious.”

I snuggled closer. “I won’t sleep well without you either,” I admitted. “But I want tomorrow to be special. Won’t it make it more exciting when I finally walk down the aisle to you?”

“I’ve had enough excitement to last me several lifetimes,” he grumbled unhappily. “I need you beside me.”

“And I will be. Every day, every night. For the rest of our lives.” I pulled back and smiled up at him. “Starting tomorrow. I’m going to have one last night with my sister and cousins, and come morning, I’m all yours.”

“You are already all mine,” he growled. “Say it.”

“Gian,” I chided, but he tightened his arms around me.

“Say it, precious.”

“I’m all yours,” I repeated, looking up at him through my lashes. “Forever.”

He lowered his head and kissed me softly, and I couldn’t help but squirm against him. Dr. Khan had given me the all clear for sex that morning, but I was waiting to tell Gian until after the wedding. Otherwise, as much as I wanted him, I was afraid we would miss our own wedding.

I let him kiss me one more time, then made myself return to my task. There wasn’t much I needed to pack. Most of my things were still at my parents’ house, but my stomach was already starting to expand and I didn’t fit into many of my old clothes.

“What am I supposed to do without you all night?” he complained.

“Lyric is going to Hannigans’ with his brother and my cousins,” I told him. “Tag along.”

“Maybe I will,” he said after a pause. “Maybe if I get drunk enough, I’ll actually get some sleep tonight.”

“It’s only one night,” I said with a soft laugh. “Not eternity.”

“Trust me, precious. It’s going to feel like fucking eternity.”

My heart melted, but I zipped up my bag and started to pick it up. Gian lifted it before I got the chance. “I’m driving you.”

“Whatever you want.”

“Obviously not, or you would be staying home,” he muttered under his breath as he walked out of our room ahead of me.

Shaking my head at his back, I followed after him.

Outside, he had my bag already tossed in the trunk and the passenger side door open for me. I bit my lips as I walked toward him. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not mad,” he said, cupping my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “It’s just hard for me to be away from you for long. And to know I won’t see you again until tomorrow…”

“When I’m walking down the aisle to you,” I reminded him. “I promise, it will make it so much more special. Please don’t be upset about this, G. Please. We’re going back to Tuscany tomorrow night for our honeymoon. Can’t I have one more night with my sister?”

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