Sacred Vow (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 5) - Page 36

I covered her hand, blinking back my tears before turning to give her a small smile. “It’s okay. I’m just a little emotional lately. The doctor said I could still get pregnant, but the chances are cut in half because I only have one fallopian tube now.”

“That’s a good thing, though, right?” She gave me a bright smile. “I mean, half the chance is still a chance.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “I just…”

“What?” she and her twin asked in unison.

I swallowed roughly and glanced at the side mirror, watching Maverick on his bike behind us. “I’m scared it might happen again.”

“Lyric’s aunt Lana had something like that happen to her. He told me about it the other night, and how she and her husband decided they would just let fate determine how many kids they would have, if any.” Mila said, reaching one hand across the console to take my hand as she drove. “And then she had five babies. He said they were always really open about being nervous during the first trimester. I guess the anxiety won’t ever go away, but River, babe, you can’t let fear hold you back. I mean, if you want a baby. If you don’t, that’s okay too.”

“Yeah,” her sister agreed. “If you and Mav decide not to have kids, Mil and I already have plenty for you and everyone else to spoil rotten. So, it’s not like Mom and Daddy will be all growly about not having grandbabies and put pressure on you.”

I laughed. “True.”

“Speaking of parents and pressure…” Mila pulled into the high school student lot and parked behind Kingston’s car. “We heard Uncle Colt shouting in the waiting room earlier.”

I pressed my lips into a hard line. “Yeah, he’s still being difficult. But at least he isn’t throwing punches or trying to kill Mav.”

“True,” she agreed. “I’m just worried he’s going to try to break you two up.”

I couldn’t help snorting at that. I knew my dad would try to come between Maverick and me. But he would learn he was just wasting his time, because Mav was my forever, and nothing short of death was going to tear us apart. “He can try all he wants. Nothing will come between your brother and me. Ever.” Leaning over, I kissed her cheek, then turned to hug Monroe. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll call you both


“Take it easy,” Monroe urged, her brows pinched together in concern. “You’re still recovering.”

“I can’t just sit around with my feet propped up and expect to be waited on hand and foot,” I told her with a roll of my eyes. “I need to keep busy. It helps.”

“In that case,” Mila said as she leaned forward and pulled something from her purse that was sitting at my feet. “Take a look at some of this inventory I want to include in the store.”

I took the thick folder from her and slid it into my own purse. “I’ll let you know. The less time I have to think about all the crap that has been going on lately, the better.”

“Just don’t burn yourself out,” my best friend warned. “I need you around for at least the rest of my life. Don’t make any of us have to live without you. Do you hear me?”

I kissed her cheek one more time before opening the door. “I hear you, sexy.”

Closing the door behind me, I walked back to where Maverick was waiting on his motorcycle. “Are we going straight to work?” he asked when I reached him.

I gave him a quick kiss before stepping back. “I don’t want things to pile up. And you need to take care of your clients. Slacker.”

He grabbed me by the hips before I could get too far away and pulled me back. “Babe, if there was a choice between you and doing ink, it would always be you.” His kiss was a gentle caress of his lips over mine, making my head swim as I sank against his chest and kissed him back.

Lifting his head, he tapped me playfully on the ass. “Go on. I’ll be right behind you.”

I blinked up at him, trying to get my brain to clear. “I love you.”

“I know, baby.” He traced his thumb over my bottom lip. “I love you.”



Everyone was tense when Uncle Bash called church the next morning. I arrived at the clubhouse barely half an hour after I’d gotten the text from him, the parking lot already overflowing with the others’ bikes. After what happened the day before, I knew our security level was red, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if my uncle announced we were going on lockdown for a while.

Pocketing my keys, I walked into the building behind my fellow MC brothers. The others were already sitting in the common room where there were couches, chairs, and pool tables, and several televisions were mounted on the walls. I’d grown up in this clubhouse. It was a second home to me. Hell, I might have spent more time playing there than I had at my parents’ house over the years.

“Mav, over here,” Kingston called, and I moved through the still-growing crowd of brothers to where he was standing with Jack and Elias.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angels Halo MC Next Gen Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024