Sacred Vow (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 5) - Page 38

I nodded. “Just a quick session of church. Nothing too serious. We’re going to be helping with security at all three of the schools for the next few weeks.”

“Ah, so my man will be going to school with me every day?” she gave me a sexy little smirk. “I kind of like that.”

I crossed to her and bent to kiss her quickly. “I thought we would drop by and check on Nova before going to work if you feel up to it.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I want to see her. Let me grab a shower, and we can go.”

While she was in the bathroom, I called Aunt Raven to let her know we were going to come over. Not wanting to be away from River any more than I absolutely had to, I drove Kingston’s car since my bike wasn’t comfortable for her at the moment.

Pulling into my uncle’s driveway, I saw a handful of men in suits outside on the porch, with others stationed around the property, their eyes scanning the area as if the place was going to be invaded at any moment.

Once we were parked, I saw a sign in the yard of the neighbor across the street. “Hey, when did that house go on the market?”

River followed my gaze. “I’m not sure. I can’t remember that sign being there recently.”

“Do you want to take a look at it? If you like it, we could put in an offer…” The look on her face had my voice trailing off. “What?”

“Nothing,” she muttered, ducking her head as she moved to open her door.

I grabbed her arm and tugged her around to face me again. “It’s not nothing, babe. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I just…” She sighed and shook her head. “I kind of like the house a few blocks over. But it’s been on the market forever. I heard it needs so much done to it that it is basically a money pit, but… Ugh, I don’t know. I really do like it. And I thought with a little time and TLC, we could make it our own.”


Her brows pinched together. “Okay, what?”

Leaning over the console that separated us, I cupped her face in both of my hands. “Okay, we’ll buy it. We’ll put in the TLC it needs. We will do whatever makes you happy.”

Her chin wobbled. “But it’s so much work. I know you’re busy. A house that doesn’t need work will be easier.”

“Easier doesn’t mean better,” I said as I brushed her lips with my own. “Call the real estate agent later, and set up a time for us to view the house. Then we can make an offer.”

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip for a moment. “Really?”

“Yeah, really. Whatever we can’t do ourselves, Reid can take care of for us.” I kissed her again before finally pulling back. “It might take us a while to get everything the way we want them, but it will be worth it if you’re happy.”



“I think we should put the baby items over there,” Mila suggested as we stood in the middle of our store. Elias stood between us, making notes because we wanted a few changes made, but before we could implement them, we needed to decide how to section off everything. “But we want to catch the eye of the college girls on their way to class, so I think all the designer items should be right in front of the window over here.”

I nodded my agreement. “And then back here—” I motioned to the back section of the store “—we need a half wall so that the more intimate items can be viewed with discretion.”


Elias made a few more notes on his iPad. “Reid can draw you up some possible layout ideas, and we can get together one day this week to discuss them. Mom will have the prices listed for each one, so you won’t have any hidden surprises.”

“Great,” Mila said with a beaming smile for him.

I walked over to the huge front window. “Do you think we should have a sign above the building, or have it painted across this glass?” I frowned, trying to picture a few different designs that might work.

“We can build you a sign, no problem. But if you want the glass painted, I suggest getting an artist,” Elias said as he took a few measurements with an app on his phone before plugging them into his notes on the iPad. “We have a few we use for other commercial clients. I’ll get you their information, and you can compare prices.”

“Perfect,” Mila said as she linked her arm through mine. “You’re the best, Elias.”

He gave her a wink. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell your man you said that.”

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angels Halo MC Next Gen Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024