Sacred Vow (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 5) - Page 54

I clenched my hands on her hips as her body welcomed me back by squeezing my shaft like a tight, silky fist. “Baby, I’ll hold you for the rest of my life,” I vowed through gritted teeth. “I love you so fucking much. I will protect you and our family until my last breath.”

Her hands went to my shoulders to steady herself, and I helped her ride me as the limo drove us toward Hannigans’. Her walls started to contract around me, trying to trigger my own release as she threw her head back and screamed my name. “That’s it, wife,” I growled, lifting and dropping her on my throbbing cock faster. “Come all over your husband’s cock, baby.”

Her pussy pulsed even harder, making me see spots at how good it felt, and I came harder than I ever had in my life.

Breathing hard, she lifted her head just as the limo began to slow, a grin on her face. “That was a great first ride as a married couple, but I’m going to want more.” Her eyes darkened hungrily. “Soon.”

“As a wedding present, Gian and Monroe are lending us their jet to fly to Mexico tonight for our honeymoon,” I informed her. “Tonight, I’m going to make love to my beautiful wife, listening to the ocean waves crash against the beach.”

“That sounds perfect,” she breathed, rubbing herself against me for a moment, teasing me before lifting off my cock and fixing her dress.

“No panties?” I asked with a frown, realizing there hadn’t been any to take off her earlier.

“They would have caused a line,” she said with a smirk.

“Fuck,” I muttered, rubbing a hand over my face. “Now that’s all I’m going to be thinking about. You can’t dance with any guy who isn’t related to you by blood or marriage.”

Her sexy laugh made my cock twitch as I stuffed myself back into my pants. Once we were both presentable again, I opened the door and stepped out before helping her.

Most of the guests were already inside the bar when we walked in. The four-tiered cake Kingston had helped his mom make sat on a table by itself in a corner. As soon as everyone noticed we’d arrived, we were swarmed by people congratulating us. I pulled River closer, growling at any of my MC brothers who tried to hug her who weren’t related to her in some way.

For the next hour, we were constantly surrounded by people wishing us well, and all I really wanted was to get my wife alone again. Every few minutes, I would check the time, wondering if it was too soon to leave for the airport.

“You can’t leave until you cut the cake,” Mila hissed to me when she noticed what I was doing for the fifth time in as many minutes. “Mom will murder you if you even try.”

“It would be worth it,” I whispered back just as Colt came up to us.

Nervously, he held out his hand to his daughter. “I was hoping for a dance.”

River stared at his hand for a long moment before giving a ghost of her usually bright smile and placing her much smaller hand in his. “I’d like that.”

I released the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding as they stepped onto the makeshift dance floor. I honestly hadn’t known if River would let her dad walk her down the aisle earlier or not. It had been her choice, which was why I’d stayed inside and hadn’t tried to convince her one way or the other. It had to be her choice, just like having a relationship with him going fo

rward would be.

As I watched them dance, I saw Mom looking at them wistfully, and I walked over to ask her for a dance. Her gray eyes lit up, and she practically dragged me out onto the dance floor. Laughing, I tucked her close and began to sway to the music as other father-daughter and mother-son couples joined us.

Lexa and Uncle Bash passed us as they took to the dance floor, while Uncle Jet and Nova followed. Kingston swept his mom into a dip, making her sweet giggles fill the bar. Jack looked stiff as he danced with Aunt Gracie, but she looked so happy that I couldn’t laugh at my brother for how uncomfortable he seemed.

“Raven is pouting,” Mom murmured, glancing around with a frown. “I wonder where Max is…” Her voice drifted off as her gaze landed on the door as it opened.

Max was just entering, but unlike at the wedding, he wasn’t alone now. At his side was a girl I’d never seen before. She was gorgeous, with a mass of dark hair and golden skin that had to be natural. Her dark eyes glanced around the room in a mixture of fear and wonder as she kept one hand in Max’s and the other fidgeted with the skirt of her dress.

The girl stopped walking after they’d come several yards into the bar, and Max looked down at her with concern. Releasing her hand, he moved his own as he spoke to her using sign language. He’d taken American Sign Language as his language elective in high school, and his mom had taught him the basics when we were all kids. I didn’t know a lot of it, but I did know the bare necessities, and it looked like he was telling her not to be scared.

A gasp to my left had my head shooting around to find Aunt Kelli staring at them as if she’d seen a ghost. Not observing any possible danger to her or anyone else, I shifted my gaze to my wife, but her eyes were on the newcomers as well. Noting her frown, I stopped dancing, needing to fix whatever was putting that look on her face.

“Mom.” Max’s deep voice reached us, and everyone in the bar was suddenly looking at where he and the girl at his side were now facing Aunt Raven. He signed the words as he spoke, “This is Delaney.” His electric-blue gaze zoomed around the room, glaring at all the guys before settling back on Delaney and softening. “And she’s mine.”



I smiled at the customer as I handed over her bag. The woman had come in an hour before to “browse.” She’d started by looking through our baby section, telling Avery that her niece was having a little girl in a few months and she wanted to check out our selections so she could report back to the girl.

But then, she’d just had to look at our more intimate selection because her son was getting married, and she wanted to maybe bring her future daughter-in-law in to shop for their honeymoon.

It wasn’t much longer before she was in our eighteen-and-over-only section, where she’d then selected a few personal items—and a few things for her husband’s pleasure as well. The poor woman had been beet red as she’d placed her purchases on the counter for me to ring up.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angels Halo MC Next Gen Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024