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Sacred Vow (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 5)

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“He’s beautiful,” Mav whispered. That was how he’d been talking since Rocco had been placed in his arms earlier. As if he were afraid to raise his voice any louder for fear of scaring our son.

But he didn’t need to worry. Rocco was already fearless. Other than crying when he was first pulled from my tummy, he’d been calm and wide-eyed. Mom had joked that he was taking the world in and finding it all rather boring, but I thought she was pretty spot-on.

“He looks just like you,” I told him as I traced my finger down Rocco’s cheek. The baby made a humming sound deep in his throat, and I couldn’t help falling a little more in love with my son.

“Nah, I see a little of you in him too, babe. See this nose?” He was still whispering. “That’s your nose. And those eyes? I think they’re going to be green and not gray like mine. And this chin? I would know this chin anywhere.”

“Yeah?” I asked hopefully.

He touched his lips to the tip of my nose. “Yeah, baby.”

I rested my head on his shoulder and turned my gaze back on our little miracle. We sat there quietly, taking in Rocco’s perfection for the longest time. When something wet dripped down my face, I rushed to wipe it away and realized I was crying.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Maverick asked in a pained voice, but still whispering.

I laughed a little and scrubbed at my cheeks. “I’m just so happy.”

He groaned and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Me too, River. Me too.”

Turn the page for a sneak peek at the next book in the Angel’s Halo MC Next Gen Series, Her Shelter, featuring Max and Delaney.

Her Shelter

Angels Halo MC Next Gen Book 6

The beautiful, ethereal creature ran across the road on my way home one night. I nearly hit her and ended up wiping out in the process. A little dazed, I ran after her…

And found her in the woods. Dirty and cold from living on the streets for weeks—but still so breathtaking, I was sure I was dreaming her.

Delaney is deaf, scared, and on the run from her uncle.

But now that I’ve found her, I won’t let anything hurt her ever again.

She makes me feel something I’ve never felt before. This tightness in my chest causes the beast within me to snarl unless she’s beside me. She becomes my obsession, my reason to get out of bed in the morning. She makes me want to be…better. For her.


; I’m never letting this girl go.

No matter who tries to take her from me.

Her Shelter Prologue


Hunger twisted in my stomach, gnawing on my insides, making it hard to focus on anything but the empty feeling. I couldn’t remember the last thing I’d eaten, and even then, it had been a small serving from the soup kitchen in Oakland.

I hadn’t gotten to finish it because I’d thought I saw one of Uncle Tony’s men outside the shelter, and I knew I couldn’t chance being found.

My uncle wasn’t a good person. There was a reason my parents had never talked about my dad’s sister and her husband. But when they died, I had no choice but to go live with them. When the social worker dropped me off, sticking around to make sure I settled in, Aunt June and Uncle Tony had been so nice and welcoming.

The moment she left, however, things had changed drastically.

I shuddered, not just from the chilly spring night air on my bare arms, but from the memories of having spent the last eight years under the same roof with those two evil monsters. I was ten when my parents died. We’d been on vacation in Belize when a gas line had exploded.

Our hotel was right on the water, only a quarter of a mile from the gas line. Dad and Mom were standing on the balcony of our hotel room enjoying cups of coffee when the explosion happened. I’d just walked out onto the balcony, already begging them to take me down to the beach.

Dad saw what happened and jumped up, scaring me more than the sudden loud noise. There wasn’t time to react, but he’d tried so hard. He pushed Mom and me into the hotel room, using his own body to protect us from the blast.

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