Her Dragon King (Her Dragon King Duet 2) - Page 20

With that, she sets aside the pot and climbs into bed and curls up beside me.

No, I do not like this Back to the Future film. My male works haven’t so much as stirred since the nonsense began. However, in a stunning betrayal, they give instant rise as soon as Ola joins me in bed and snuggles in close.

This time Ola doesn’t tease me about my obviously aroused state. Merely lies there with me as the late 20th-century entertainment concludes by laying the groundwork for an unnecessary sequel.

“Want to see Back to the Future II?” she asks when the screen fills with an image of the sequel’s poster art and a countdown clock.

“Whyever would I wish to spend any more time with these ridiculous characters?”

“Blank screen,” she calls out when the second film attempts to play with a swell of stringed instruments underneath the Universal logo.

“You’re right. The sequel sucked all the balls,” she admits. “Plus, there’s something way more important we should be doing right now.”

She raises up one arm, and it is impossible to ignore the soft brush of her breasts against my side as she does. I have the sense it will take another long time for my male works to retract when she leaves tonight.

“What do you believe we should be doing right now?” I ask. My voice is less strong than I would like it to be.

“It’s alright,” she says, stroking my beard with the back of her hand. “He told me everything. And I know why you’re afraid.”

“He told you? Everything?” My flame collapses with the new possibility that what I most feared her finding out about had already been revealed.

“Yeah, he did.”

The pretender is gone. Disappeared forever from what I can tell. But in that moment I wish to have my torturer back, just so I can yell at him and beat him for his stupidity. Why would he tell her that? Why would he give her such power over—

“He told me you really were a virgin before my heat and that you were cruel our first time because you were afraid of hurting me. And I just want you to know you don’t have to be. He and I figured it out, and you and me will too.”


He told her I had never had sex with another. Only that I had never had sex with another.

Relief ripples my flame, even as I testily defend myself. “I would not call it fear. More a practical consideration for a previously unthought of act with an inferior species.”

Her hand stills against my beard. “Why do you do that?” she asks. “Why do you start hurling insult grenades whenever I get too close?”

Because you are right. You are right about my abject fear of you. In fact, there is nothing in this universe that scares me more than you.

But out loud I answer, “I do not like or appreciate being manipulated, Ola, which is clearly what you are attempting to do with your false sympathy and offer of sexual congress. But nothing you say or do will save your wretched fathers from my wrath. I will not be swayed from my re—what are you doing?”

My flame crackles with unease when her eyes hood, and she suddenly begins leaning forward, her lips inching closer to mine.

“Shutting you up,” she answers before taking my mouth in a slow, deliberate kiss.

Well, she is slow and deliberate.

I immediately become ravenous.

I don’t merely receive her kiss, I return it, pressing my neck forward to devour her lips. She tastes delicious. Better than the stew. Better than pride even.

And my body roars with frustration when she abruptly pulls away from the kiss and repeats inside my head, “All you have to do is say please.”


The single word falls out of my mind into hers without reservation or thought, shocking both of us.

“Did you just say what I thought you did?” she asks. “Did you actually say the P-word, or was I dreaming?”

This is my chance. To make a denial. To take back my pride.

But in the end, I find myself answering, “Please…do not make me beg.”

She could. She could do just that. That’s how much power she has over me in this moment. Both of my seeders throb with the exquisite pain of wanting her. Needing her. I am a drakkon brought low, and it would be incredibly easy for her to take advantage of me in this situation. Extract further degradations and promises.

But instead of lording her power over me, her entire face softens…right before she takes my mouth again. And this time there is nothing soft nor deliberate about her kiss. It is just as hungry as mine. Hungrier even.

She pulls away, and I groan, missing her mouth. But then she removes her robe and the nightgown.

My breath hitches. She is naked underneath her clothing. Completely naked without so much as a pair of underwear. I find myself mesmerized by the sight of her as she swings one leg over my body.

Tags: Theodora Taylor Her Dragon King Duet Fantasy
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