Her Dragon King (Her Dragon King Duet 2) - Page 29

As usual, his brother tried to calm him. Olafr had long been considered the rougher of the two, due to his decision to stay ever the wolf for the first half of his life. And his tendency to shift when crossed had garnered him a lethal reputation among their Michigan subjects. But within their five-person family unit, Olafr was long been considered the peacemaker.

And back when Ola had become a most insubordinate teenager, it had been Olafr who most often convinced his older brother to walk away from fights with his needlessly insolent daughter until FJ could regain a cooler head.

“She knows not what she does,” Olafr reminded FJ over their brothers’ bond as he pounded upon the door. “It is as Rafesson said, the serpent has possessed her mind.”

Olafr was so certain of this excuse for their younger twin’s actions, but FJ was not so sure.

Ola’s eyes had been clear as she’d made her case for why they should grant her request to forgive the serpent who killed so many of their North Wolf warriors. And her arguments, while insulting, had not been completely incorrect.

Also, mentally challenged or no, the fact that she would defend their worst enemy… compare the serpents to the proud North Wolves…those were actions FJ could not abide. There were many things he still failed to understand about the advanced world he now found himself living in, but his daughter’s betrayal… he would never understand that.

FJ pounded and pounded some more. But the next thing they heard from inside the room was the screech of metal. Then…nothing after that.

Now both he and Olafr pounded at the door with all their might. Then kicked at it, roaring their daughter’s name. Never had FJ felt such fear. Even when this serpent had first set down in his village.

Eventually, Clyde, their brother-in-law shouted for quiet.

And the hologram of Rafes, their other much younger brother-in-law, had blinked upstairs to tell them his brother found the codes.

They all waited as Nago worked on some device far, far away. It seemed to take an eternity before the door slid open.

And FJ and his brother let out a blood-curdling battle cry as they ran through the open door.

Just in time to see the male who’d claimed his daughter throw the room’s bed through the floor-to-ceiling window that made up its outer wall.

All of this kingdom house’s windows, FJ knew, were made of a clear impenetrable composite material, the same as both of their kingdom houses in Michigan. Translucent iron, it was commonly called. Yet the glass shattered easily, as if no promises of indestructibility were ever made.

The serpent disguised as a man looked down at the sword Ola had stolen, which now lay upon the ground. He then met FJ’s eyes directly.

Too late, FJ realized his mistake in not shifting as soon as he entered the room. For there came a sudden building pressure inside his head as if someone had gripped his mind in a fist. Was this the thrall spell of which Rafes had spoken? Would the serpent take control of his mind?

But then the pressure abruptly ceased. And instead of taking FJ’s mind, the male gathered Ola and the still sleeping babe in his arms. Then to FJ’s horror, he leaped out the window with both of them.

FJ and his brother yelled out at the sickening sight as they ran across the shattered glass to the now empty window. Ola…the girl he’d sworn to love and protect…FJ’s heart plummeted down along with his daughter.

So this had been the serpent’s plan all along. To kill her in front of them. How would FJ explain her demise to their mate? How would he live with himself for letting it happen?

All of those questions raced through his mind, only to cut off when the male, now a large blue serpent suddenly rose in front of the window. With Ola and her babe still wrapped inside his arms.

“I’m sorry!” Ola yelled out to them underneath his flapping wings. “I’m so sorry.”

The serpent merely regarded FJ for a long silent moment, his now golden eyes glowing sinister and bright.

Then with a swoop of its great body, he turned and flew away.

With the daughter FJ had only just found.

Where, they were going? FJ knew not. Or if he’d ever see his youngest twin again.

Part II

Damianos Drákon lived in a castle. Of course, he did.

Chapter Eleven


“We have decided the king must be overthrown and replaced. Preferably by you.”

Ao Quong regarded his guests across the carved mahogany tea table. Most often he preferred to conduct meetings with other drakkon in his palace gardens. It was far away from the main house, so they could speak in their native language without risk of being overheard by any of his anthro servants.

However, in this case…

“A teahouse is not the proper place for this conversation,” he told the other two drakkon. “Please… follow me.”

Tags: Theodora Taylor Her Dragon King Duet Fantasy
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