Goldie and the Three Wisconsin Bears - Page 11

Dancer: Hey, baby, you want a lap dance?

Client: Yeah.

The money was figured out, then they did this kind of twerking move right in the guy’s face, picked up the money, and walked away. And from what I could tell, even the strippers who went further only referred to the grinding sort of lap dances as “having some champagne in VIP.”

But I doubt there’s any champagne in this cabin in the middle of nowhere. So now I find myself struggling to find the words to properly describe this situation. “Would I um…be expected to service you all on the same night?”

Mitch’s blue-grey eyes darken. “Sometimes. Nico and me like working together. But Jeb does some stuff that we prefer to just watch. Sometimes it’d be all three of us, but we like to take turns alone too. I really can’t say how it will go each and every day.”

“It’s kind of a different vibe night to night, depending on how we’re feeling,” Nico chimes in. “But for the first couple of days, it’ll probably be you and the both of us until Jeb gets with the program.”

My stomach somersaults at their explanation.

Guys have been coming on to me since the age of twelve. But I’ve never in my life received an offer like this.

However, I can’t say the thought turns me off. Just the opposite in fact…

The sexual desire I’d learned to deny and tamp down over the years awakens with a vengeance.

To think I was cold just a few moments ago. Now, it feels like I’m burning up with heat. My nipples are so budded, I can feel them scraping against the material of the suddenly sweltering coat. I’d take it off if not for the fact that I was naked underneath.

Maybe Tommy was right, I think, a little short of breath. Maybe I really am a slut. Shouldn’t I be more upset?

“So, what do you say?” Mitch asks, tearing me away from my confused thoughts. He looks me straight in the eye, and I feel a little weak, staring back into their ocean depths.

Stop, Gina! His eyes have nothing to do with this. I drop my gaze and force my mind back to the main subject. “So I have sex with the two—possibly three of you for a week. And you give me the three thousand dollars I need to fix my car?”

“No, that’s not the deal. We’re not going to pay you three thousand dollars for all three of us to sleep with you for a week. That would be unconscionable,” Mitch answers, his voice firm and hard.

My heart sinks. So they weren’t going to take me up on my deal after all?

But then Nico says, “We’ll pay you fifty thousand for the week. You can consider us making the arrangements to fix your car the down payment.”

My heart freezes mid-sink. Did he just say fifty thousand dollars? That might just be enough to set myself and this baby up in Canada until I can find some kind of job. Oh my God….

Inside I’m so shocked, but luckily there’s still enough Magic Peaches left in me to play that off and tell them, “You’ll need to pay me in cash. And I’m not signing anything until I get my car back.”

Mitch doesn’t even exchange a look with Nico before answering, “No problem.”

Oh God, they agreed. They agreed to my terms! Do not faint, Gina. Do not faint.

I make myself swallow hard to get enough liquid in my throat to speak. And somehow I manage to keep my voice strong as I say, “Okay, then. We’ve got a deal.”

Chapter Five


“You know you two are living in a goddamn fantasy, right?”

I hear Jeb, but I act like I’m too busy stirring the pot of oatmeal I’m making for breakfast to answer.

Unfortunately, Jeb takes my silence as an invitation to talk even louder.

“There’s no way she’s not lying about already being pregnant.”

“Ssh! She’s still asleep. Don’t wake her up!” I give in and finally turn around to face him. He’s at the kitchen table in his usual position, sitting in the only chair that directly faces the door.

Jeb rolls his eyes and folds his giant arms over his chest. “Yeah, I’d hate to wake up the thief who broke into our cabin and made herself right at home.”

“She was desperate, or she wouldn’t have broken in. We’re the ones who took her car, remember? What other choice did that leave her? I mean, what would you have done in her position?”

“Called somebody to come get me,” Jeb instantly answers. “Hitchhiked. Made a tent out of—”

I cut him off right there. “Not all of us know how to survive out in the middle of nowhere, Army Ranger Jebidiah. Don’t do that thing where you assume everybody should think and act just like you. You know the reception out here is shit, and even if her phone worked, maybe she doesn’t have anybody she can call.”

Tags: Theodora Taylor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024