Goldie and the Three Wisconsin Bears - Page 19

With that, I grab my pizza and leave them to their cutesy dinner conversation.

Even if I wasn’t pissed as hell, I know I just ruin the mood anyway.

Like my mom said the last time I saw her…Like Charlotte said before she dumped us….

I ruin everything.

Chapter Eight


My heart sinks as I watch Jeb stomp away again. I don’t know why he hates me, but it’s obvious he does. A lot. Dinner had been going so well until he stormed out.

“Don’t mind him,” Nico says after a long, awkward moment. “He’ll come around.”

Is that what Nico told Charlotte? Also… “I don’t feel right taking so much money for all three of you when he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

Mitch lifts an eyebrow. “You think that’s him not wanting to have anything to do with you?”

I shake my head. “What else could it be?”

Nico and Mitch exchange a look, and Mitch says, “We’re not sure actually. He’s fighting this. Fighting you. Never seen him do that before.”

“Was he like this with Charlotte?” Again, I know I’m not wife or even girlfriend material. But I have to ask.

Now Mitch scrunches his brows at Nico, just like Jeb a few moments ago. “Yeah, exactly how much did you tell her about us?”

Instead of answering him, Nico turns back to me. “This is different. Trust me. And eat up.”

I do as instructed, but the mood’s all changed now. No more talking. Just a lot of quiet munching until we’re all done eating. The rest of the pizza doesn’t taste nearly as good as the first bite. I keep thinking of Jeb eating in his shed because he hates me so much.

Funny, Tommy accused me so often of tricking him into falling for me like I was some sort of succubus or something. But the truth is, I can’t even charm Jeb enough to get through one meal with me.

After we’re done, Nico tells me to go take a shower in his room while he and Mitch clean up.

“I can clean up,” I offer.

“Goldie, that wasn’t a request,” Mitch answers. “Nico and me want you clean, naked, and waiting for us by the time we get done with the dishes.”

His tone is casual, but his words are all command. And I’m not sure if my stomach is somersaulting because I like it or because I’m scared.

Maybe a little of both.

Cynda had called Tommy controlling from the start. But he never commanded me, never told me what to do. It was more like he whined and threw temper tantrums until I gave in to his demands.

I’d been afraid all day that they’d expect me to know exactly how to handle having sex with two guys. So there’s a strange relief with just being told what to do.

Relief and anticipation.

What will they tell me to do next?

I wonder this as I peel off Jeb’s shirt and step into the shower.

And I find out the answer to that question sooner than I’m anticipating. Mitch and Nico are waiting when I come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me.

Again, they look nothing alike. Mitch is blond and pale, and Nico is dark and only a few shades lighter than me. But they’re both shirtless and wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. And the way they are both reclined on opposite sides of the bed with all those rippling muscles puts me in mind of Roman gods.

“Thought we told you to be naked,” Mitch says.

His low and husky voice whispers across my skin, pebbling it with goosebumps.

“I’m sorry,” I say.

His eyes are hooded, like he finds my general awkwardness amusing. “Don’t be sorry, just drop the towel.”

I hesitate. Then remind myself this is nothing I haven’t done before. Then I make myself drop the towel.

Their eyes burn into me for a good, long silent while. And it makes me want to cover up because I’m not sure what I should do next. Yes, I used to take off my clothes for a living. But that was three years ago. Back when I had self-esteem. And there’s no club atmosphere here. No bottles of champagne popping. No pulsing trap music playing overhead.

Just lots and lots of quiet as two men stare at my naked body. Anxiety raises goosebumps on my flesh. For some reason, I’m even more self-conscious than the first time they saw me without any clothes. Their unwavering gazes make me even more nervous.

“Come here, Goldie,” Nico finally says. “Gimme another kiss.”

Good. More instructions. That strange relief comes back over me as I walk toward the bed.

But when I try to move around to Nico’s side, Mitch says, “Un-unh. I want to see you crawl to him. Start at the foot of the bed.”

Again, I try to do as instructed, dropping to my knees at the bed’s edge. But when I start to crawl forward, Mitch says, “Don’t be shy. Look at us, Goldie. Look at the men you’re about to fuck.”

Tags: Theodora Taylor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024