Goldie and the Three Wisconsin Bears - Page 24

My pussy starts spasming around Nico’s cock before I can answer that question.

“Ohhh!” I whimper, my voice louder than I want it to be this early in the morning.

“It’s alright, mija. I got you,” Nico says. He moves a muscled arm underneath me and bars it across my chest, holding me tight as he pumps into me from behind. Hard and steady.

And he does…he does have me.

At the apex of my climax, he suddenly lets up on my clit and instead splays a hand heavy on top of my bare pussy. It’s like a clamp, and suddenly I can’t move. You’d think that would make the orgasm less fantastic. But instead, it’s like facing a tsunami while standing against a rock wall. There’s nowhere to go. Nowhere to run. I have no choice but to let the orgasm rush over me.

My eyes roll back into my head. And it’s not just my pussy spasming now. It’s my entire body. If not for Nico’s arms and the anchor of his dick, I’d probably convulse right off the bed.

I don’t realize I was screaming until I start to come down. My throat is so raw. It feels like sandpaper when I tell Nico, “Thank you.”

“No, thank you,” he answers with the warm chuckle that’s become so familiar over the past few days. “I love the way you respond to us. You make me feel like a superhero when I come inside you.”

That’s funny because he and Mitch make me feel like a wonder woman every time they make me come.

I’m so caught up in the afterlight, I almost open my mouth to tell him exactly that.

But then I remember…this is a temporary arrangement that’s over in two days. Not a relationship. We shouldn’t be complimenting each other or acting like we’re something supernatural.

“You alright, Goldie?”

“Yes,” I lie. “I was just thinking about getting up. Taking a shower, eating some breakfast. Then maybe I’ll go out to the field and see if that soil’s still frozen. I know Jeb says it won’t happen until April, but it would be amazing if I could get something in the ground for you guys before I leave.”

“Yeah, that would be cool,” Nico answers, his voice oddly flat, even though his words are cheerful enough. But then he perks up. “You know what? I’m going to make my famous pancakes, bacon, salsa eggs combo. I call it the Breakfast of Champions. Let me wash up first. Then I’ll whip that right on up.”

He pulls out of me and climbs out of bed before I can say yes or no.

His offer is sweet and kind. Just like him. And I sort of hate it.

“Nico…” His name falls out of my mouth before I can stop it.

He stops halfway to the bathroom. He’s a walking ode to athletic perfection with all that tanned skin stretched over taut muscles.

Don’t be nice to me. I can’t take it, I answer silently.

But I can’t say that out loud. He wouldn’t understand.

“Thank you,” I say again. “Seriously. For everything.”

He shakes his head at me with a baffled look. “Mija, when’re you going to understand? I’m the lucky one. I’m getting the best part of this deal.”

He laughs, and when he laughs, that makes me laugh too.

But that laughter fades after he disappears into the bathroom.

This situation…being treated this well after so many years of abuse…it hurts. It hurts my heart. And I don’t know what to do.

“Two more days,” I whisper to myself.

Chapter Eleven


“Two more days,” I mutter out loud inside my room.

But fuck, did Nico and Goldie have to be so damn loud this morning? The closest neighbor is over twenty miles away, but I bet they could hear them from that far.

And this was after he and Mitch stayed up nearly half the night with her, knowing that they wouldn’t have to get up early this morning.

Yeah, I get that it’s been a while since we had a chance to do a hotel suite weekend. Also, we never kept a woman overnight for this long. But you’d think the excitement over new pussy would have worn off by now.

Mitch and Nico keep going longer and longer with her every night. They’re dragging at work because they never get enough sleep. And a couple of times, I’ve been jerked awake by the sound of her whimpering because Mitch decided that the middle of the goddamn night was the perfect time to get it in. It’s like they’ve gone crazy over this woman. The woman who broke into our house, whose name we don’t know, and who shouldn’t even be here.

I was feeling guilty about what I’m going to tell my brothers when we’re done with the top floor, but now all I want to do is cut out of here early.

Fuck Nico and Mitch.

Tags: Theodora Taylor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024