Twelve Months of Kristal: 50 Loving States Maine - Page 79

However, my tone doesn’t seem to matter. Jae-Hyun’s eyes fill with tears. And in the next instant, he rises from the ground. He simply lifts off the floor without bending his legs or seeming to exert any physical effort.

Kristal gasps, and Norio mutters in Japanese behind me.

“My boy! Thank you for this news!” Jae-Hyun booms, his voice much stronger than before. “Thank you for freeing the love of my life.”

I have no idea how to answer that. But Jae-Hyun doesn’t seem to expect an answer from me. After saying that, he turns his attention to Kristal. She is still sitting on the floor, taking in the many reveals from our conversation.

Despite his old age, Jae-Hyun looks very much like a hale samurai, extending his hand to a maiden when he reaches out to help her up off the floor.

“You see, you did not ruin anything,” Jae-Hyun tells her with good cheer. “In fact, you made all my dreams come true. Thank you, Kristal. You are a better daughter than I ever could have wished for or deserved.”

Kristal shakes her head mutely. I suspect that she is at a loss for words.

But Jae-Hyun does not linger long with her either. He turns to Norio. “And as for you, my oldest son...”

Norio lets out a loud “Eh!” and jumps up, knocking his chair backward when instead of walking, the ghost lifts off the ground and floats over to him.

The samurai seems amused by Norio’s reaction. “My logical son, who never questioned why the caretaker left him oranges and other treats. Do you believe your brother now?”

Norio nods slowly. And our ghost father pats him fondly on the cheek. “Good, good. How is your life now? Did you marry as you wanted, or did Kazuo get his way in that as his own father did with him?”

Norio seems too stunned to answer, so I reply for him.

“He is the one who orchestrated our father’s death,” I tell our ghost father. “Norio is very happily married now with the family he fought for until my father’s end.”

Again, I am not trying to please Jae-Hyun. But I am very proud of my brother for his bravery and everything he did to free us from our father’s iron fist. And for some reason, I want this ghost to be proud of him too.

“You fill my heart with pride, oldest son. Perhaps the next time you are in Japan, you will find my grave and clean it? I would also be very honored if you said a prayer.”

At first, Norio says nothing. I wonder if he will forever remain too stunned to speak.

But then he asks, “Is it really you? Our true father?”

Our ghost father bows in grave acknowledgment. “I am sorry for not having been a better father to you. If I could have been, I would have been. For you both have made me very proud.”

“I am sorry, too,” Norio answers. “I know it is not proper, but I have been married to an American for too long. I must do this…”

That is the only warning Jae-Hyun receives before Norio enfolds him in his arms. Jae-Hyun freezes as if he does not know what to do. But then he hugs his oldest son back just as tight. Perhaps even tighter.

After they pull back from their embrace, Jae-Hyun turns toward me. At first, I think he will hug me when he reaches out, and I am not sure how I will receive that. But he simply places a firm hand on my back and pushes until I walk forward.

Toward Kristal.

She stares wide-eyed at us both when we stop in front of her.

“Kristal, I am aware that my son is only slightly more deserving than me to have the grace of your presence in his life,” he tells her, his voice even more solemn and grave than when he was talking with Norio. “But if you would do him the honor, I would like to offer you his hand in marriage.”

Kristal’s mouth drops open. She seems more shocked by this invitation than anything that had come before it, including the announcement that her mentor was a ghost in possession of a human body.

“What? No! That’s not how these things work in the current day. You can’t just make him—”

“I will do it. I will marry her,” I say before she can finish her protest.

There’s a new feeling coursing through me now that I’ve solved the mystery of my father and revealed my true nature to my brother. For the first time, I feel free. Free to do whatever I want. Free to have whoever I want

And I want Kristal. As confusing as this situation is, that one thing is clear.

Kristal looks up at me, stunned, speechless.

Jae-Hyun takes her by the hand. “Please, daughter. My affairs here have all been settled. Now that I know that my beloved has crossed over, I can feel the tug of the next realm for the first time since I died childless and unmarried. This is my last wish. My only wish. Please send me into the eternal knowing that your true love with Hayato will not end as mine did with his mother.”

Tags: Theodora Taylor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024