My 3 Rockstar Bosses - Page 5

“Hey,” I grunted, almost lost for words. “Nice to meet you. Come on in.”

Slowly, Katy made her way into the dressing room. Silence greeted her, a stark contrast to the hubbub outside. All of us were staring at the incredible female with her lush curves and timid smile. Even Trent put his phone away to give her his complete attention.

“Yo,” he drawled. “Yo, what up?”

Katy blushed. “Um, h-hi,” she began hesitantly, putting down a wicker basket filled with water bottles. “I’m your new assistant. I’m h-here to run errands and do whatever you guys need.”

My brows flew up. Trent and Nick’s did too.

“What does that include?” was my immediate retort.

She blushed fierily once more.

“I’m not sure?” was her hesitant reply. “Getting water, helping you with tasks, that kind of thing?”

The three of us exchanged knowing looks. I could tell what we all wanted. This girl was right up our alley, and we were going to indulge. It’d been too long.

Far, far too long.

Katy had a soft, pillowy mouth and big brown eyes, just like we liked. Her curly mahogany hair fell around a face that looked so sweet and innocent. I needed to find out more.

Will she scream? Will she beg? Will she take it like a pro?

The brunette was exactly my type—and Trent and Nick’s. Fortunately or unfortunately, the girl had piqued our interests.

We went in for the kill, stalking our prey like lions in wait.

“Anything we need?” I asked, already eager to get down with her. “Anything?”

Katy nodded quickly. “Anything.” Then her large espresso eyes grew even wider. “Oh wait, but not illegal drugs,” she said quickly. “I can’t get you that. The handbook says that’s a no-no.”

I threw my head back and laughed uproariously. Nick and Trent did the same.

She was so damn innocent. Alpha Prime cultivates an image as hard-partying rock stars, but actually, the three of us have always been clean. Hard drugs weren’t part of our gig. Maybe a little pot now and then, but that was all.

Pot is legal in a lot of places now, so I don’t think that even counts. We only smoked it where we could buy it from a store. None of us trusted random street dealers and we traveled too much to have solid connections.

“Illegal drugs?” I shook my head. “Naw, that's not how we like to party, sweet thing.”

“Nope,” Trent rumbled, watching her like a starvin

g jungle cat. “We like our fun dirty and much, much more personal.” He leaned forward in his chair to give her the full up and down, letting his gaze roam those voluptuous curves.

Katy blushed before turning away, brown curls covering one cheek.

“Okay,” she murmured. “Just call if you need anything, I’m ready to serve.”

Those words made my dick jerk.

Does this girl even know what she’s saying?

No, she didn’t—not from the looks of it.

But there was time. We could toy with her a little. She was a sweet new doll that needed to be played with. It would have to be slow. Shy girls took time and dedication.

“Sure thing,” Nick drawled lazily, leaning back in his chair like a tiger at ease. “We look forward to working with you.”

Katy seemed completely oblivious. She nodded bashfully before dashing from the dressing room, leaving the water bottles and the basket behind.

Tags: Sarah May, Katie Ford Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024