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Private Games (Private 3)

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‘We’re fine,’ Jack said. ‘Enjoy the show. You’ve earned it.’

Knight looked around. ‘By the way, where’s Lancer? Poor form to miss his own party.’

Jack winked. ‘That’s a secret. Mike said to thank you again. In the meantime, I think you should introduce me to your mother so I can offer my condolences.’

Knight’s mobile buzzed in his pocket. ‘Of course. One second, Jack.’

He dug out the phone, saw that Hooligan was calling and answered just as the lights in the stadium dimmed and the audience began to cheer.

‘I’m at the stadium,’ Knight said. ‘The opening ceremony’s starting.’

‘Sorry to bother you, but some of us have to work,’ Hooligan snapped. ‘I g

ot results on that hair sample you sent over this morning. They’re—’

A trumpet fanfare erupted from every speaker in the stadium, drowning out what Hooligan had just said.

‘Repeat that,’ Knight said, sticking his finger in his ear.

‘The hair in Cronus’s envelope and Selena Farrell’s hair,’ Hooligan yelled. ‘They fuckin’ match!’

Chapter 38

‘WE’VE GOT CRONUS!’ Knight said in a hoarse whisper as he hung up. A powerful spotlight broke the darkness, fixing on a lone figure crouched in the middle of the stadium floor.

‘What?’ Jack Morgan said, surprised.

‘Or one of his Furies, anyway,’ Knight said, and then described the match. ‘Farrell’s house was razed to make way for this stadium. She said publicly that the people who did it to her were going to pay, and she completely flipped when we played the flute music for her.’

‘Call Pottersfield,’ Jack advised. ‘Have her go to Farrell’s house. Put her under surveillance until they can get a warrant.’

Out in the stadium a clarinet solo started and from the corner of his eye, Knight saw the figure on the stadium floor rise. He wore green and carried a bow. A quiver of arrows was slung across his back. Robin Hood?

‘Unless Farrell’s in the stadium,’ Knight said, anxiety rising in his chest.

‘They’ve got names attached to every ticket somewhere,’ Jack said. He started moving away from the window towards the exit, with Knight trailing after him.

Behind them the crowd roared as a spectacle designed by British film-maker Danny Boyle moved into high gear, depicting through song and dance the rich history of London. Knight could hear drums booming and music echoing in the long hallway outside the heavily guarded hospitality suite. He speed-dialled Elaine Pottersfield, got her on the third ring, and explained the DNA evidence linking Selena Farrell to Cronus’s letter.

Beside him, he heard Jack giving the same information to whoever was the watch commander of the moment inside the Olympic Park.

‘How did you come by Farrell’s DNA?’ Pottersfield demanded.

‘Long story,’ Knight said. ‘We’re looking for her inside the Olympic stadium at the moment. I suggest you start doing the same at her home.’

He and Jack Morgan both hung up at the same time. Knight glanced at the four armed Private operatives guarding the entrance to LOCOG’s hospitality suite.

Reading his thoughts, Jack said: ‘No one’s getting in there.’

Knight almost nodded, but then thought of Guilder and Mascolo, and said, ‘We can’t consider LOCOG members as the only targets. Guilder proved that.’

Jack nodded. ‘We have to think that way.’

The pair entered the stadium in time to see Mary Poppins launch off the Orbit, umbrella held high as she floated over the roof and the delirious crowd towards a replica of the Tower of London that had been moved onto the floor. She landed near the Tower, but disappeared in smoke when lights began flashing red and white and kettledrums boomed to suggest the London blitz during the Second World War.

The smoke cleared and hundreds of people dressed in a multitude of costume styles danced around the replica of the Tower, and Knight thought he heard someone say that they were depicting modern London and the diverse citizenry of the most cosmopolitan city in the world.

But Knight was not interested in the spectacle: he was looking everywhere in the stadium, trying to anticipate what a madwoman might do in a situation like this. He spotted an entryway on the west side of the venue.

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