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Private London (Private 4)

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‘She didn’t say. I get the feeling that Penelope Harris isn’t much of what you might call a people person.’

‘Can I speak to her?’

‘Of course you can. We’ll do all we can to help.’

‘I have to warn you, inspector …’

‘Go on.’

‘If this is our serial fruit-loop, or even if it is a copycat, London serious crimes squad are going to be down here en masse. You’re going to be kept busy.’

‘Why didn’t they come straight away, then?’

‘Because they didn’t think there was a connection and my time is a lot less valuable to waste.’

‘But you do think there is a connection with your two Jane Does?’

‘Yes, Inspector James. I do.’

Chapter 57

KIRSTY WEBB WAS beginning to dislike Penelope Harris.

The woman seemed to be angry not at her brother’s death but at the inconvenience it was causing her.

‘I just want to go home,’ said the woman in question.

‘And you will. I just need to go over a few things first,’ replied Kirsty, trying to keep her own anger in check.

‘Oh, for God’s sake – I’ve been over it a hundred times. And it isn’t me you should be interrogating.’

‘It’s an interview, not an interrogation …’

‘It’s those surgeons. They’re the ones who killed my brother, who took his heart like some kind of spare part.’

‘Your brother was declared brain-dead, Miss Harris. And he carried an organ-donor card.’

‘It wasn’t his.’

‘They don’t just go by the card, Penelope,’ Kirsty said softly, using the woman’s first name to try and get her on side. It didn’t work.

‘“Miss Harris” is fine, thank you very much!’

Kirsty sighed inwardly but kept her expression neutral. ‘Like I say,’ she persisted. ‘They don’t just go with the card – they check with the organ-donor registry and your brother’s name was on it.’

‘So that just gives them the right to go ahead and do what they did, does it?’

‘Yes, I’m afraid it does.’

‘Well, it shouldn’t.’

‘Do you have a particular reason to be so against organ donation?’


?We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses.’

Kirsty frowned, puzzled. ‘I understood that Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t against organ donation, just blood transfusions.’

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