Private Sydney (Private 12) - Page 67

I watched Eliza.

‘Craig?’ Mark was still on the phone. ‘I’m sorry she had to find out like that. If it isn’t him, I’ll let you know asap.’

I hung up, believing the media had found out before the local area command. The news report was on Craven’s channel. I suspected we weren’t the only office Craven Media had bugged.

Not wanting to leave Eliza alone, I dressed quickly and took her to the office, where Johnny promised to look after her. She hadn’t spoken in the car and was still in shock when we arrived.

Darlene and I headed out straightaway to where the body had been discovered.

Police and media vans were already there and the scene had been cordoned off. Uniformed police and bystanders tried to block public view with rugs and space blankets. We bobbed under the police tape as the corpse was being placed in a body bag.

Darlene pushed through with her kit and began taking photos as I fended off challenges from officers who didn’t know her.

The body was bloated. The face was darkish blue, swollen, unrecognisable. There was a foul stench, like rotting fish. Rex King was already on his haunches, examining the wounds.

His assistant instantly recognised Darlene. ‘Fish have been at him,’ he said enthusiastically. ‘Nothing like fresh meat for a frenzy.’

Rex concentrated on a head wound. ‘The state of the body is consistent with six to twelve hours in the water, which fits the time frame for the explosion reported back at the marina.’

A jet skier zoomed past about fifty metres from shore. ‘This is a well-used stretch of water.’ I wondered if the body had been dumped from another location. ‘Is it surprising the body wasn’t found earlier?’

‘Not really. It would have sunk to start with. Decomposition produces putrefactive gases that make the body float. That, of course, depends on the water and temperature conditions.’

‘Identifying the remains could prove difficult,’ I said out loud.

Rex looked up. ‘Police tell me they believe the victim didn’t have medical or dental records.’

‘And the only family member we know was adopted,’ I added.

Under the circumstances the extensive facial trauma seemed a little too convenient.

Chapter 91

FURTHER UP THE bank, Mark was questioning a security guard from the local marina. I moved over to listen and Mark filled me in. ‘Giorgio Kalafedes was on duty last night at Birkenhead Marina and says he saw the victim on one of the secured boats. He identified the man as Moss from a photo. Says he was drunk and stank of alcohol.’ Mark turned to the witness.

‘You’re certain they’re the same clothes he was wearing before the explosion?’

‘Absolutely sure. He said his wife left him for someone else.’ He looked to me then Mark. ‘If I ever thought he’d take off drunk like that, I’d have grabbed his keys and called you guys.’

Something struck me. Geoff Andren and Eliza had said that Eric Moss never touched alcohol.

‘Did he say if he was planning to head off the next day?’ I asked.

‘No. Just wanted to sleep it off. I thought it was his boat because of the photo.’

‘What photo?’ I asked.

‘The one with the other man holding a fish.’

‘Did the man you saw have sunglasses on in the picture?’

‘Yeah. He had the same pair on inside the boat. I thought it was weird at night. And the beard was the same. That’s why I thought he was the owner.’ The guard looked over his shoulder at the scene, and the body. ‘Can I go now? I don’t feel so good.’

‘Sure, have a seat in one of our cars. Someone will be with you soon,’ Mark said, before gesturing for me to walk with him.

We stepped away from the action. ‘Early indications would suggest an electrical short triggered the boat explosion.’

It had to be sabotage, I thought. ‘You think it was a freak accident?’

Tags: James Patterson Private Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024