Private Sydney (Private 12) - Page 71

The couple had been interviewed and released without Private being allowed to question them further about the woman posing as Louise Simpson. Johnny hoped the pair might recognise one of the women in the radiology staff photos as the woman they paid the twenty-five-thousand-dollar deposit.

Understandably, after the media coverage they were loath to leave the house and spoke through an intercom on the gate.

‘Go through our lawyer,’ the husband said coldly.

Johnny tried the soft approach. ‘I’m so sorry about what you’ve been through. I know this is difficult but you are still the best chance of finding Zoe Ruffalo. All I’m asking is that you look at these photos and tell me if the woman you met claiming to be Louise is among them.’ There was no reply, but the crackle on the line told Johnny Mr Wallace was still listening.

‘You understand loss. We can only imagine what Zoe’s parents are going through. But you know.’ Johnny placed his forehead on the brick above the intercom and appealed one last time. ‘All any of us want is to bring her home safe.’

There was silence, then a buzz and the gates separated.

Johnny made the sign of the cross and thanked God.

‘Five minutes. That’s all,’ Wallace said. ‘My wife can’t take any more stress.’

‘Thank you, sir.’ Johnny walked briskly up the drive.

The couple had been embarrassed, harassed and arrested in full public view. Johnny could understand they would be reluctant to talk to anyone without a lawyer present. And, despite a police statement saying the Wallaces had helped in the investigation but were not suspects in the homicide or in the kidnapping of baby Zoe, they were still being hounded by journalists.

Alexandrus Wallace opened the door in tracksuit pants and a ragged T-shirt. Unkempt hair and a day’s worth of stubble were indicators of a nightmare twenty-four hours.

‘Thank you for your time.’ Johnny pulled out the photos of the female staff.

Mr Wallace stood just inside the door, out of view from the road, keeping his visitor on the step.

He looked carefully at each image

, shaking his head, then arrived at the final photo. ‘She isn’t here.’

‘Are you certain?’ Johnny was sure the woman worked at the radiology centre. He produced the photos of the male employees, including the two doctors he’d spoken to. ‘Do you remember seeing any of these men on the beach when you met with that woman, or any other time?’

Wallace exhaled but took the next set of pictures. ‘I’m sorry. I don’t recognise anyone.’

‘OK. Well, I appreciate your time,’ Johnny said.

‘People say time heals. Nothing can heal the pain of losing a child.’ He part-closed the door. ‘For everyone’s sake, we hope you find the baby.’

Johnny trudged back up the drive, painfully aware that without any other leads Zoe Ruffalo might never be found.

Chapter 96

JOHNNY WASN’T ABOUT to give up, however. He headed back to Manly. This time he wanted to know about any practice employees who had left in the last year. Ones who could have printed out X-rays in advance.

One had married and moved to Glasgow with her new husband. A radiography student, Felicity Wenham, had begun a rotation with them but failed to return after the fourth week. No one had heard from her since. Dr Kwong explained that wasn’t unusual. Sometimes students didn’t fit in, or wanted to work closer to home. According to the practice manager, the student was a fast learner and was eager to know how the business worked. If Felicity had finished her rotation, she might have been given a job after graduation.

Johnny found her name on the electoral roll and was pleasantly surprised to see she was living in Balgowlah, close by. He drove straight to the address and parked a short distance from a blue weatherboard home set back from the street. A separate garage down the drive looked like it had been converted into a studio or office.

A woman in her forties answered the door. He asked if it was possible to see Felicity Wenham.

The mother enquired, hesitantly, ‘Are you a friend from college?’

‘No. I’m investigating the disappearance of a young baby and a possible link to the radiology practice Felicity spent time at. We’re interviewing current and former staff members in case they came into contact with the kidnapper.’

Mrs Wenham was shocked. ‘I saw that on the news. My daughter may have met the kidnapper? The person who killed that poor woman too?’ She grabbed Johnny’s arm. ‘Is Felicity in danger?’

Johnny patted her hand. ‘No. I just need to talk to her. She may know something she doesn’t realise is significant. Is she home?’

After a few moments, seemingly deep in thought, Mrs Wenham looked up. ‘Our daughter has always been a hard worker, good at everything she ever tried. Out of the blue, she developed anorexia at fourteen.’ She swallowed. ‘We thought it was all behind us. Then she found out her boyfriend was seeing someone else. Our daughter is just so hard on herself.’

Tags: James Patterson Private Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024