Private Princess (Private 14) - Page 4

Princess Caroline nodded, but instead of talking, she walked toward the far door of the walled garden. Morgan followed, and they stepped out into the woodland that butted against the house. Shafts of warm sunlight cut their way through the canopy.

“Do you believe in second chances, Jack?” she asked, her eyes on the path that wound ahead through the trees.

“I do,” he answered, his eyes to the trail’s flanks—some fifty meters away, armed men moved parallel to the royal who was third in line to the British throne. They were her deadly shadow. The guardians who protected her at all times.

“There are things in Sophie’s past—things in her life—that should not be public knowledge,” she explained. “I live life under a microscope, Jack, because I was born into it. I wouldn’t change that. But for Sophie? She hasn’t lived with it. She hasn’t trained for it.”

“And what are these things in Sophie’s past?” Morgan asked.

She walked on in silence for a few moments before giving her answer. “Sophie is a young woman who’s lived her life, and in doing so—like all people—she’s made some bad decisions.”

Suddenly she stopped. She turned to face Morgan, her expression earnest. “She doesn’t deserve to have those bad decisions made public as a consequence of being my friend. Do you understand, Jack?”

Morgan did. He also understood that those under the closest scrutiny became guilty of the sins of their company, and guilt by association was never more magnified than in the scandal-hungry media of the twenty-first century. Morgan knew that Princess Caroline was a reflection of the time she had been born into—a people’s royal who connected to the country on all levels, leading a life that seemed as close to their own as was possible, given her position—but the same machine that had built her reputation could savage her overnight.

Caroline read his thoughts. “It’s in the country’s interest that the monarchy avoids scandal, Jack. We’re the benchmark. The example. I should be someone whom people look up to.”

“And you’re not?” Morgan asked directly.

It was a long time before she replied.

“I’m human, Mr. Morgan. De Villiers will give you everything you need. I hope to see you again soon.”

She turned away from him then and continued to walk further into the woodland. Out in the trees, her armed shadows moved with her.

“I didn’t say I’d take the job,” Morgan said to her back.

“You didn’t need to,” Princess Caroline replied without breaking step. “Your eyes did. You should learn to be a better liar, Jack.”

Morgan said nothing, because she was right.

He would take the job.

He would find Sophie Edwards.

Chapter 5

ALONE IN THE woodland, Morgan pulled his phone from his pocket. He was surprised to see he had such good reception, but then reasoned that residents of one of the wealthiest regions of England would be unlikely to put up with poor service.

His call was picked up on the first ring.

“Hello, Jack,” Peter Knight answered in his London office. The head of Private London, Knight had been side by side with Morgan through some of their toughest scrapes. He was also the American’s friend. “The office told me you diverted here. Business or pleasure?”

“Business, Peter. Let’s get together and talk about it. I’m going to send you my location.”

“What’s the case?” Knight asked, knowing that their calls were encrypted to government levels and stood no chance of being monitored.

“Missing person with connections.”

“I might need to send you a team in my place, Jack. I had a case come in a few days ago. A man named Sir Tony Lightwood was found hanged in his home a few days ago, and his daughter wants us to take a look into it.”

“What have the police found?” Morgan asked, disappointed that it appeared he would be working without his British right hand.

“Said it looks like a straight-up suicide. Daughter wants a second opinion.”


“Says suicide doesn’t fit her dad.”

Tags: James Patterson Private Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025